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Written by Savi, 24 Comments
Day trip from Geneva gruyeres
Swiss countryside around La Gruyere


Glistening green alpine pastures stretch out as far as the eye can see. All around us cows graze on picturesque slopes covered in wild flowers. It is easy to spot a chateau on a distant hilltop and indulge in a spot of day dreaming as cottony clouds roll past. The dreamy reverie is interrupted only by the periodic tinkling of cow bells.


Think it doesn’t get better than this? Well, we have news. It DOES! Rolling hills might be idyllic but they are punctuated by cheese and chocolate factories at every corner in this part of Switzerland. Cheese, chocolate, and the Swiss Countryside – we challenge you to find a better combination! 🙂


The La Gruyere area is perfect for a Day Trip from Geneva or Lausanne or a pit stop on your trip around Switzerland. The entire area is so scenic that you are bound to feel like you’ve walked into a picture postcard. Make sure you stop at the Cailler-Nestle Chocolate Factory in the village of Broc. The factory itself is nestled between lush green meadows – the only sounds you’ll hear are the chirping of birds and tinkling of cow bells (that’s only till you enter the hallowed premises – it can get pretty crowded there!)


Day Trip from Geneva
The area around the Cailler Chocolate Factory in Broc


The factory provides an interactive tour that describes the history of chocolate and the ways in which Swiss identity is closely tied with chocolate. The tour is perfect for little ‘uns but it’s fun for grown ups as well. Guess what follows next? Visitors are let loose on a tasting room with every kind of chocolate produced at the factory.


Yes, you heard right. You can eat as much chocolate as you like. Endless rows of milk chocolate squares, dark chocolate bits, white chocolate pieces, gourmet chocolate cups, caramel chocolate bites, and flavoured chocolates are on offer. Phew!! This place just needs one Willy Wonka, that’s it 🙂


Day Trip from Geneva - chocolate factory
Raw cocoa beans at The Cailler Chocolate Factory in Broc, La Gruyere


Day trip from Geneva - chocolate factory
Imagine being let loose in a room full of chocolates – how many would you have? 🙂


day trip from Geneva chocolate factory
We might have had one too many – can you blame us?


Cailler Chocolate Factory - Day Trip from Geneva
Giant Easter Bunny made of … you guessed it… Cailler chocolate 🙂


The village of Gruyeres is a short drive away from Broc. No self-respecting cheese lover can skip visiting this mouth-watering village, the home of Gruyere cheese. The medieval village is also famous for its castle, perched on a hill-top. But beware, the cobble-stoned alley to Gruyeres Castle is paved with temptation.


This is because there are a number of rustic cheese factories and dairies in the area. Then, there are restaurants offering traditional Swiss specialities at every step. Try Cheese Fondue, slivers of aged Gruyere cheese (grainy and earthy, nom!), Raclette (Melted cheese with varied accompaniments), or mûres à la crème (blackberries with cream). All dairy products – cheese, cream, and milk – are locally sourced and taste EXQUISITE. Drink in the panoramic view of Alpine meadows from Gruyeres Castle once you’ve savoured everything the village has to offer. One helluva scrumptious day trip, if ever there was one! 🙂


Cobble-stoned alleys of Gruyeres


Day trip from Geneva Lausanne
Raclette in Gruyeres – spot the giant slab of melting cheese?


day trip gruyeres
Spot Savi at the Gruyeres Castle?


Day trip from Geneva Gruyeres
You can never be too far from a Chocolaterie or Fromagerie in La Gruyere


Gruyeres Day Trip from geneva
The gorgeous view from Gruyeres Castle




  •  La Gruyere is one of the most scenic areas in Switzerland and is perfect for a day trip from Geneva or Lausanne
  • The area is 120 kms (2 hours) away from Geneva and 50 kms (1 hour) away from Lausanne
  • We drove around but the area is well connected by public transport
  • Entrance to the Cailler Chocolate Factory is 10 CHF (£7) as of June 2014. This includes unlimited tastings at their chocolate room. There is also a huge shop next to the factory where you can purchase Cailler chocolates – they make the perfect presents.
  • One of our readers (thanks Ila!) just mailed us to tell us that Cailler also have a factory outlet just 200 metres away from the main entrance where you can buy the same chocolates at half the price. Who doesn’t love a bargain?! 🙂 
  • Try renting a chalet in the La Gruyere area for 2-3 days for the perfect weekend away.


Day trip from Geneva Gruyeres
La Gruyere is perfect for a quintessentially Swiss experience


Planning a trip to Switzerland? Don’t forget to read all our posts on Switzerland for tips on offbeat gems and itineraries

Looking for a place to stay in Switzerland? We suggest going rustic – read about our shenanigans in a Swiss Chalet

Need help packing? Our posts on packing for Switzerland have you covered 🙂



24 thoughts on “La Gruyere – The Perfect Day Trip from Geneva

  1. yayyy , I’m the first one :P..

    Those choclates looks divine. and thank you for the insight of the switzerland. Some places which are not there on all the touristy things to do 😛 . And that is why i love reading the posts.

    Can i tell you a secret , Everytime i read something on your blog, i tell Kapil( Husband) that our next trip is this or that. earlier my next trip was Jordan, Now its cambodia 😛 ( I need to see the closests from India :D) . so kapil says , you should stop reading the blogs and stick on one thing :p:p

    1. Haha you comment made me smile. Perhaps you should tell Kapil to start reading Bruised Passports too – that way you can make travel bucket lists together 😉 Do send us photos from you travels – we love looking at them

  2. Switzerland … the name itself seems enough .. whoa 😮 !!! what beauty !! nd the chocolates .. mmmm .. !!

  3. Great post, Switzerland is undoubtedly one of the most charming places in Europe.
    We had a rule, no country twice till all countries once, Switzerland made us break it.

  4. Great post, Switzerland is undoubtedly one of the most charming places in Europe.
    We had a rule, no country twice till all countries once, Switzerland made us break it.

  5. Apart from the amazing tips you give it’s such a joy to read your post just because they way they are written. I love the expressions you use and how cleverly you add bits of humor. The photos are also very beautiful! I’ve only discovered you guys a few weeks ago but I can say for sure you’re definitely one of my favorite travel blogs 🙂

    1. Hey Matin – thank you ever so much. We really enjoy writing so it’s really nice to see someone appreciate the words for once. Usually people just fawn over the photos 🙂 I hope you continue to enjoy reading Bruised Passports – we will look forward to reading your comments

  6. This would be right up my alley! I’m notorious for visiting chocolate factories, chocolate shops, and well, anywhere I can find sweets. 🙂

    1. Haha Audrey – Savi is exactly the same. You’d love La Gruyere – there are chocolate shops at every corner and the chocolate is!! 🙂

  7. I want to plan a visit here right NOW! Sounds amazing and looks absolutely beautiful. Being a self-confessed chocoholic (a day doesn’t go by that I don’t consume some), I might actually meet my death and explode at that factory, but I would be in my glory when I died lol 🙂 Thanks for the excellent post and the very entertaining writing! I hope you’ll stop by for a read of our latest at

    1. Haha Deborah would it help if I told you I am EXACTLY the same. Gluttony definitely got the better of me at that chocolate factory 😉 Will definitely stop by your website soon

    1. Haha – my question exactly 😉 Then again, the Swiss are so outdoorsy, so it isn’t tough for them to burn all that cheese and chocolate off

  8. You can really eat as much chocolate as you want??! Sign me up! This place is seriously getting added to my Europe itinerary. Thanks for the tips!

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