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Written by Savi, One Comment

This is a sponsored post by IHG Business Advantage

Let me start by saying this. I travel extensively for both work and play. In both cases, I firmly have my rose-tinted glasses on when I travel – travelling can be harsh and it can wreak havoc on routines, timelines, schedules, and body clocks. But how many people out there can say that travelling i.e. the opportunity to see new places, learn about new cultures, and meet incredible people is part of their job? As with everything else in life, travelling for work is a glass half full or half empty kinda situation and I always veer towards the former.

A quiz on business travel on Intercontinental’s website reaffirmed this. As long as I have good internet, I am sorted! I’m always the one going to offbeat restaurants to try regional food, little-known bars to have a drink with locals, and if I can get any time off, I rent a car and explore the surrounding countryside.


What about you? Do you consider travelling for work fun? Or not? If you’re a grumpy kinda traveller (we’ve all been there!), here are 4 ways to make travelling less intimidating and more fun for you


  • Research and acquaint yourself with the destination

Often, we land up in a new country or city without the faintest clue about its highlights. Bad idea!! It’s best to research beforehand and narrow down a list of things you might want to see or do while you’re in a new place.


Read up on the city: hidden beaches, secret districts, and touristy bits
Read up on the city: hidden beaches, secret districts, and touristy bits


  • Look up all the cool restaurants in town

The definition of ‘cool’ might differ from person to person but it’s best to look up a few places that suit your personality best. If you’re a coffee geek, look up all the cool cafes in town. If you enjoy your beer, read about the breweries. Like offbeat adventures? Look for local restaurants that are off the touristy path. The internet has an answer for everything


Make a list of the restaurants, cafes, or breweries that you might like
Make a list of the restaurants, cafes, or breweries that you might like


  • Look for old friends or make new ones

The best shortcut to acquainting oneself with a new city is to hangout with a local. Peruse your Facebook friends’ list for someone who might be in the same city as the one you’re visiting and make sure to give them a shout. If you don’t know anyone, don’t despair. The workplace you will be visiting is often the best place to make new friends/acquaintances. Don’t be shy to ask for tips on exploring the city from an amiable colleague you’ve just met. If they invite you to a party or celebration, accept their invitation 🙂


Make friends wherever you go :)
Make friends wherever you go 🙂


  • Rent a car

Renting a car is easy and it’s usually the best way to explore countryside that surrounds bigger cities. It also allows you to take day trips on weekends when you might not be working. Go for an aimless drive and drink in the idiosyncrasies of a new culture or look up a specific destination and visit it, camera in hand.

Rent a car and take a day trip - who knows where it might take you :)
Rent a car and take a day trip – who knows where it might take you 🙂

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