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Written by Savi, 95 Comments

Georgia makes for a stunning & extremely affordable road trip. Here is everything you need to know about planning a road trip in Georgia – from budgeting to hotels to a day-by-day guide to a road trip in Georgia. We had planned to combine this trip to Georgia with our trip to Azerbaijan a few years ago but couldn’t for some reason.

Visa formalities and Covid protocols for Georgia

In Apr/May 22 there are no quarantine requirements when entering Georgia. You must be fully vaccinated. If you’re not, then you must carry an RT PCR test (taken within 72 hours of departure) to show upon on your entry into Georgia. Indian citizens need a visa to enter Georgia for a short stay, however if you have a valid visa or residence permit for USA / UK / Schengen / UAE / Australia etc., then you don’t need to apply for a visa. The best way to know whether you need a visa for Georgia is to use the Visa eligibility checker here.

Suggested Itineraries for visiting Georgia

Georgia is a small country so it is possible to cover most of it by doing day trips from Tbilsi. If you have 5 days or less, we suggest basing yourself in Tbilsi, renting a car, and doing 2-3 day trips. You can also book these day trips with a local tour agency if you are not comfortable driving.

If you have 6+ days, then we definitely recommend spending a few nights in places such as Kazbegi & Sighnaghi. Here are 2 recommended itineraries for Georgia

4 day itinerary for Georgia

Day 1 Fly to Tbilsi and explore Old Tbilsi
Day 2 Day trip from Tbilsi to Sighnaghi
Day 3 Day trip from Tbilsi to Kazbegi
Day 4 Explore Tbilsi and fly back

7 day itinerary for Georgia

Days 1 & 2 Fly to Tbilsi and explore the city
Days 3 & 4 Drive along Georgia’s wine route
Days 5 & 6 Explore Kazbegi & mountain villages
Day 7 Day Trip To Armenia/Drive to Batumi
Day 8 Fly back from Tbilsi

Gergeti church road in Georgia
The kind of panoramas you can expect on this road trip in Georgia 🙂


Renting a car in Georgia

Driving in Georgia is a bit different from the rest of Europe as drivers can occasionally be a bit more aggressive or not as rule-abiding. However if you are comfortable driving, we would highly recommend renting a car to explore this beautiful country at your own pace.

We booked our car from Tbilsi Auto Rent after reading amazing reviews on Google & Trip Advisor. Their service was seamless and one advantage over other car rentals we checked was that we did not have to deposit any money (or leave a credit card imprint as this rental price included all insurances) at the beginning of the trip. In terms of exact costs, we paid $50 per day for an automatic 4×4 (Mitsubishi Outlander Sport) and $20 each way pick-up and drop-off from the airport. We picked and dropped our car at the airport but you can also pick your car after exploring Tbilisi (free pick-up and drop-off in this case). There’s also someone answering your queries over Whatsapp, so all in all a great car rental experience.

Car rental Georgia Road Trip
Our trusty rental car 🙂

Budgeting for your trip to Georgia

Georgia is an extremely affordable country, one of the most affordable in Europe-Middle East. For this reason, it is easy to plan this road-trip on a budget. The cost of flights will depend on the city you’re based. But once you get there, you can expect to spend approximately INR 12000 per day. Here’s the cost breakdown you need to keep in mind:

•Good mid-range Hotels and apartments cost approximately INR 5000 per night. You can choose ones based on your preferences
•Car Rental : INR 3000-3500 per day (with full insurance coverage)
•Fuel: INR 1200 per day for the itinerary below
•Meals & groceries : INR 2000 per day approximately

Khachapuri traditional Georgian stuffed pastry
You’ll be feasting on plenty of Khachapuri through your trip 🙂


Day-by-day breakdown of your itinerary for Georgia

Days 1-2 Explore Tblisi

Tblisi is a busy but charming capital city. There is so much to see and do, so we suggest setting aside at least 2 days to take it all in.

If you have not rented a car, try to stay in Old Tbilsi – hotels such as Hotel Mercure and The Rooms Hotel are ideal! However if you have rented a car, then make sure you stay in a hotel that offers free parking.

Some of the things you must do in Tbilsi include

  1. Visit the Dezerter bazaar – it is overflowing with fresh produce and a great place to sample local delicacies like Khinkali (dumplings)
  2. Visit the Holy Trinity Cathedral – it’s beautiful
  3. Take a walk along Rustaveli Avenue – it is one of the prettiest roads in the city. You will cross book sellers in the open, vendors, and plenty of European facades. Do make a pit stop at the Opera and the Ballet Theatre
  4. If you haven’t rented a car and want to escape the city try visiting Tbilisi Sea, Turtle Lake or Lisi Lake as they are all easily accessible using public transport
  5. The Chronicles of Georgia is gorgeous on a summer day. One of Tbilisi’s off-beat attractions, the Chronicles is an impressive monument by Georgian sculptor Zurab Tsereteli. Its location on top of a hill overlooking the Tbilisi Sea makes it a great spot for panoramic views.
  6. Tbilisi has some stunning viewpoints. Tabor Monastery is not very well known but it is one of our favourites. It offers a great view of the entire city and is so beautiful at sunset
    Mtatsminda is the city’s most well-known and accessible viewpoint. However do beware it can get quite crowded as both locals and tourists like to visit
  7. If you enjoy the hipster and urban sides of cities, then you must visit Marjanishvili – the area here has some amazing murals and street art. You can also take a tour here to learn more about the artists and the area
  8. Have a laid back brunch in a speciality coffee shop such as Coffee Lab or a local hole-in-the-wall eatery such as Asi Khinkali or Zakhar Zakharich
The Holy Trinity Cathedral in Tbilisi
sunset view of Tbilisi from Tabor Monastery
Tbilisi at sunset from Tabor Monastery


Days 3&4: Kakheti wine country

It is easy to do a day trip to Kakheti from Tbilisi. But if you have some time on you while planning a road trip of Georgia, we would definitely recommend staying for a night in the area. There are vineyards, wine cellars, and shops everywhere in the Kakheti area. We definitely suggest doing these 3 things

  1. Sighnaghi / Signagi, aka the city of love is one of the most charming places in Kakheti. The cobblestoned village overlooks the Alazani Valley and offers beautiful views everywhere you look. Spend some time walking around the village and make sure you have lunch in a restaurant with gorgeous views. The Terrace is an affordable restaurant that offers amazing views of the area. Since it is a 10 minute drive from the village, not many people know about it. However it is stunning
  2. Allaverdi , one of the tallest orthodox monasteries in Europe is also a wine cellar. It is a great pitstop for wine tastings & views! It is a bit of a drive from Signagi, so you can include it in your itinerary if you have 2 days in the area
  3. Visit vineyards and take a wine-tasting tour. You can take a guided tour of the prominent wineries. Make sure you try local delicacies like Georgian draft wine and Imeruli cheese. Once you have explored the area to your heart’s content you can drive back to Tbilsi or straight to Kazbegi
Girl in Signagi Georgia
The beautiful town of Signagi


View of Signagi from terrace restaurant
Gorgeous views from The Terrace Cafe / Restaurant


Day 5 Driving to Kazbegi

The drive from Tbilsi to Kazbegi is a scenic one. However there are several narrow and winding roads as soon as you start nearing the mountains. So make sure you undertake this drive if you are comfortable with hill driving.

Here are some places you must stop along the way:

  1. Jinvali / Zhinvali Water Reservoir is the first stop on this route. It is especially scenic on a hot summer’s day
  2. Make sure you stop at the gorgeous Ananuri Fortified Castle. There is plenty of parking available here and it makes for the ideal photo opp. It tends to get crowded at the Castle, so do walk to the neighbouring bridge to escape the crowds whilst getting great views of the Castle
  3. By this time it is time for lunch. Pasanauri is perfect for lunch as it is home to many local restaurants. We recommend the truly special Guda – it’s a modern restaurant that serves delicious home-made specialities like Khinkali (Georgian dumplings) and Khachapuri (Georgian bread stuffed with local cheeses). Try the lamb or mushroom khinkali for a real treat!
  4. As you start driving towards Kazbegi after lunch, you will cross Gudauri and spot the Friendship monument. The monument offers incredible views of the area. Take a short walk around the monument and you’ll see amazing views everywhere. It is also possible to go paragliding during summer time in Gudauri.
Fortified Ananuri Castle on way from Tbilisi to Kazbegi
Dreamy views on the way from Tbilisi to Kazbegi – this is Ananuri


Days 5 & 6 Exploring Kazbegi & Gergeti

Kazbegi is an area of outstanding natural beauty. In peak summer mountains are green while in winter (all the way to the beginning of May) you can expect snow-laden views. Stepantsminda is a good base as the mountain town has facilities like supermarkets, restaurants, and ATMs. Kazbegi View and The Rooms Hotel Kazbegi are 2 great places to stay in the area. They offer amazing views and a truly experience-based stay

Spend your days doing the following

  1. Drive to Gergeti Trinity Church: It is the first stop of most tourists for a reason. Perched on a hilltop, it might be the most spectacularly located church we’ve seen on our travels. Definitely worth it! And we’d strongly suggest going there early morning or late evening after the tourist buses have departed.
  2. Drive to Truso Valley to soak in the views and drives the area has to offer
  3. Sno is home to giant sculptures of some of Georgia’s most prominent writers and artists. They make for a surreal sight against the mountains.
  4. Try to visit Juta village in Sno Valley, located 21 kilometers from Kazbegi. It is a great base for some pretty hikes in the area. The road there can be a bit tricky but the views are gorgeous 🙂
  5. If you enjoy extreme hikes, You can spend 1 day hiking to the Gergeti glacier – this 21 km hike takes about 10 hours. Make sure you carry good hiking shoes if you intend on doing this on your road trip in Georgia.

Once you are done exploring Kazbegi, you can drive back to Tbilsi

view of Kazbegi mountain from Kazbegi View hotel
Kazbegi mountain as seen from Kazbegi View hotel
Couple at Gergeti Trnity Church in Kazbegi after thunderstorm
Our first visit to Gergeti Trinity church – it had just rained – how magical
Gergeti trinity church at dusk with light
And with Vid you are guaranteed to spend hours to get the perfect shot 😀
Couple at Gergeti trinity church in Kazbegi
And we went back again in daylight – so beautiful

Day 7 Day trip to Armenia/Beach getaway in Batumi

If you’re craving beach views and have 2-3 days to spare, then head to Batumi on your road trip in Georgia. Alternatively it is easy to hop over to neighbouring Armenia for a few days. If you are an Indian passport holder, you can apply for an evisa, which takes approximately 3 days to come. If you are self-driving you also need a special pass to drive to Armenia.

However if you have just 1 or 2 days to spare, you can apply for the evisa and book a day/two-day trip to Armenia with one of the many tour companies that offer this trip. This day trip covers many highlights of Northern Armenia such as some of the most ancient monasteries in the world including the stunning monasteries of Haghpat, Sanahin, and Akhtala.

Even if you’re in Armenia for a day, make sure you try the local cuisine, bursting with fresh flavours inspired by neighbouring countries such as Turkey! Tabouleh, Armenian breads, dolma (minced meat steamed in cabbage leaves), and baked potatoes.

Road trip from Georgia to Armenia
Beautiful pitstops on the way from Georgia to Armenia
drone image of Haghpat Monastery in Armenia
A gorgeous drone image of Haghpat Monastery in Northern Armenia

That’s it. That concludes your incredible road trip of Georgia. Whether you base yourself in Tbilisi or drive around the country one thing is for sure – you will leave the country having experienced history, culture, incredible panoramas, and some great wine 🙂 Have fun. And if you have any questions, leave them below – we’ll answer them asap

And if you want to see a raw behind-the-scenes look at this road trip, check out our vlog of driving in Georgia on our Youtube channel

95 thoughts on “A road trip from Tbilsi, Georgia : Planning the perfect itinerary

  1. Hi – this is great! Superhelpful. Thanks for sharing your experience and itinerary! One question for you – did you visit Georgia with an e-Visa? I hear all kinds of horrifying stories and the likelihood of people getting deported if they are visiting with an e-Visa? Anything you can share would be helpful.

      1. Hi Savi,
        I also have a US visa valid until 2030, however, this visa has never been used. For Georgia, do I need to have a US visa that has been used atleast once? Any inputs would help. Thanks.

      2. Hello Savi,
        Thanks for this informative blog. You have mentioned that you had gone to Armenia and then came back to Georgia. For this do we need multiple entry visa of Georgia? And can we drive to Armenia with the rental car from Georgia or any special permission is required?

        1. Hey Utkarsha – you need many permissions to take your rental car to Armenia – wouldn’t suggest that if you’re going only for a day or two to Armenia! It is better to book a cab with a driver! Also, yes you need a multiple entry visa of Georgia if you are planning to go to Armenia and come back 🙂

  2. I like this country so much every year I travel to Tbilisi 2-3 times, don’t ask me why ?
    The country hours away from my country.
    There is a few things the government has to consider to encourage the tourists.
    1- Good treatment at the airport,
    2-development in infrastructure
    3-, learning English

  3. Thanks for the detailed article! Lots of useful information there. In my reading I see many canyons in Georgia and seem worth visiting? Any tips on if they are nice and can be covered as part of a road trip?

  4. Hi Savi and Vid! Thanks for sharing this!
    Just wanted to check if you guys have any recommendations for the tour operators since you have mentioned them couple of times.

    1. Hey Ishita – for Georgia, we booked most of this independently on Make My Trip etc based on our research

  5. Hi, thanks for this! Considering a trip in June end. Some Qs:
    1) Where did you base yourself in the wine region?
    2) Does the Indian driving license work in Georgia or one requires an IDP?
    3) Day 7- can you actually drive to Batumi from Tbilisi and come back as well, assuming there is a flight to catch on Day 8 from Tbilisi? Is it worth the hassle driving 5-6 hrs for a single day? We don’t plan to visit Armenia on this trip. Rather spend Day 7 doing another day trip from Tbilisi. Your thoughts.

    Thanks for all the help.

    1. Hey Nalini – we drove back to Tbilisi but would suggest staying in Sighnaghi for a night. Yes the Indian Driving Licence Works.
      Would suggest not keeping the Batumi-Tbilisi drive for the day you have a flight as last minute occurrences can cause unexpected delays. There is a lot to do in Tbilisi, so you’ll have your hands full, no problem 🙂

  6. Hey, Savi! Thank you for providing such a useful, helpful, and informative article. Pleasant, cool, and peaceful place! I will gonna add it to my bucket list!

  7. Amazing blog, please keep on writing blogs like this, I love to read such engaging and informative blogs, I look forward for more of your blogs.

  8. i am travelling to Georgia next week and ai am a travel blogger from india.

    I am also using my USA visa to travel Georgia from baku via air after my trip in Azerbaijan.

    Is there anything i need to keep it mind for visa free entry using US Visa for an indian passport.

    1. Hey not really – the entry procedure is pretty straightforward. Just make sure you carry physical print outs of your return flight and accommodation details as you might be asked for it 🙂

  9. Hi Savi and Sid,
    I am travelling with my husband to georgia in sept and your pics of gergeti church and kazbegi have motivated to take a day trip there. But I am confused about the visa process. Will a US tourist visa allow me to have a vise free entry in georgia? And what is the process for visa if we don’t have any valid US/UK visa? Georgia has stopped issuing evisa now, it seems.

    1. Hey Saman – Yes a valid US/Schengen tourist visa allow you to enter Georgia. You don’t need anything else 🙂

  10. Hey, I am traveling to Dubai for a week and have an additional 4 to 5 days, am a single traveler, would you recommend Georgia or Azerbaijan, or any other place?

  11. So incredibly RELIEVED to read this blog, I’m so glad I came across it. There are many forum posts/ new articles dated 2017-18 describing how Indian passport holders were being deported from Georgia at the whims of the local immigration authorities, despite holding valid visas. I was planning to scrap my trip plans till I read your post.
    In that context, can you please tell me:
    1- Was your USA tourist visa in your current passport at the time of entry into Tbilisi?
    2- Do you know if other Indians had the same breezy airport experience as you, had you heard of the problems before travel?

    1. Hey yes it’s in my current passport but it doesn’t matter as long as the US visa is valid
      Yes we were on a full flight and everyone crossed without any problems 🙂

  12. Hi Savi and Sid

    I am planning to travel with my husband and my 3 year old son to georgia in Oct end 2022 . .
    Would like to know if there are any travel or entry restrictions in goergia post covid . ?
    Me and my husband both have valid usa tourist visa .. just wanted to crosscheck if we can travel without goergia visa post covid are there any changes in rules for visa ?
    For my son we need to get goergia visa . May i know what is the processing time for the visa application ?
    Is it safe to travel along with a 3 year old child. ?

    1. Yes it’s absolutely safe. I travelled to Georgia with a valid US visa on an Indian Passport and there was no problem upon entry 🙂

  13. Hello. You mentioned taking a quick trip to Armenia, isnt that a different country altogether? Did you need separate visas for that?
    I am travelling to Azerbaijan and then to Georgia but been told not to go to Armenia with an Azeri Stamp on my passport

    1. Hey Armenia has an evisa system – we applied and got it super quickly. We have an Azeri stamp but wasn’t a problem personally

  14. Hi, Thanks for all the information in your blog.
    Would it be a good idea to visit Georgia in November end ? I was planning to go to some country with my Valid US visa since getting a schengen visa is so difficult these days.
    Also if i have around 8 days would you recommend going to Armenia/Baku or just explore Georgia ?

    1. Hey yes definitely – November is cold but good 🙂 And you should combine it with one more country. Both Azerbaijan and Armenia are easy to get to but Azerbaijan has more to do 🙂

  15. Hey Savi & Vid!

    I have been contemplating a trip to Georgia . The information you guys have put here is so helpful. Thank you.

    Do you think it is safe for a solo female traveller. I have travelled solo to Iceland & a couple of other countries but just wanting to know your inputs. Thanks 🙂

    1. Hey Ifneela – yes it is safe for a solo female traveller. However it will be expensive getting to the mountains if you’re alone- as public transport isn’t as good as say Iceland. So you will have to rent a car to get to some places in Georgia. Hope that helps 🙂

      1. Hi ..what about the currency exchange for India travelers ? Would you recommend a forex card or getting used exchanged locally on Tbilsi/ATM withdrawal? Reason I am checking is because there will be double conversion of usd and then GEL.

  16. Hi,

    Lovely blog! I am now planning a trip to Georgia and havent found the information anywhere on their website about being able to enter Georgia with US visa. Can you please confirm if in 2023 it is still allowed? Thanks!

    1. Hi Akanksha – Yes this is still allowed. However rules keep changing every month, so do check with the embassy of Georgia before planning your trip 🙂

  17. Hey guys thanks for sharing this information, super helpful as always. My husband & I are going there end of May for our anniversary and are super excited.
    Few things which I wanted to check:
    1. Does the US visa need to be stamped atleast once on the passport? I have a valid US and Canada visa but zi haven’t travelled to either of these countries yet.
    2. What about the currency exchange? From India, would you suggest carrying USD and getting it exchanged there locally at airport or Tbilsi? Or should we look at a forex card /ATM withdrawal at airport. Given the multiple currency exchange, kind of confused on this one

    Thanks in advance!

  18. Hi…lovely blog…If we were to rent a car and drive through the country how are the parking facilities at each sites that you have mentioned?..also is prior booking needed for entry to these sites?

  19. Hi Savi & Vid… Thanks for this detailed itinerary… My husband, my daughter & I plan to travel to Baku & Georgia in June… Can you please tell me how to make the day trip to Armenia from Tbilisi…
    Also please suggest a good place ( hotel)to stay in Sighnagi & kazbegi…
    And since we’re pure vegetarians do you think food will be difficult…?

    1. You can book that on Viator or GetYourGuide. We have included options for stay in Kazbegi. Sighnagi we did a day trip from Tbilisi 🙂

  20. Hey Savi & Vid, really helpful itinerary. can you advise which airlines is the best to fly to georgia. There are lot of Air arabia options but there are mixed opinion about this airlines.


    1. Hey Deepika – yes Air Arabia is the most convenient option 🙂 While it might not be the best airline, it’s not too bad. Connectivity is good

  21. Hey,

    Amazing blog helped a lot in figuring out what palces we can visit. Just quick query is it fine to visit Baku and Georgia in August. And will there be any issue if we want to travel both the countries on evisa. If August is not suitable what affordable countries we can visit in August.

      1. Hey Savi,

        Thanks for the amazing write up and thanks to Vid for these amazing pictures.
        Just a quick question, can we arrive in Georgia from India and depart from Armenia to India?( Of course with valid evisas)
        Will there be any problem if the arrival and departure country are different?

  22. Hi! Amazing blog! It just made us want to visit the country more! Just one query! How can we get a visa, without US Visa. We are from India. I’m planning to travel with my wife! Can we use e-visa?

    1. Hey Savi, this is a very helpful article! We are planning a trip for 8 nights this August (next month) with our 1.5 years old baby. What would you suggest, Georgia or Azerbaijan? What we like 🙂 – scenic not so crowded places, diverse landscape/experiences, easy travel for the baby traveler!

      1. Hey – so happy you found our guide to Georgia helpful. Out of the two locations, Georgia will be better with a baby for sure 🙂

  23. Hi guys, such an amazing blog & its super informative & detailed! Planning a trip to Georgia only this september (heavily influenced by your blogpost) 😀 . Since we want to cover the entire country & do not want to drive ourselves, where do you recommend we can book transfers to Batumi, Kazbegi etc? Will be staying at Airbnbs largely.

    Also on the visa, for Indian passport holders is an evisa needed & or a proper visa on the passport?

    Thank youuuu <3

    1. Hello – it used to be a proper visa on the passport if you don’t have a valid US/Schengen visa but from May ’23 you can apply for an evisa too 🙂
      Have the best time

      1. Hi Savi, quick update here & PSA for anyone planning Georgia from India.

        Its been nightmarish about the visa process to go to Georgia. VFS office said Georgia has paused visas & the embassy told me Indians can apply for Evisa & if one has a valid US visa, then no visa is required. Few things in my experience:
        1. The evisa site is not functioning properly so you / your agent will not be able to apply for the same in a seamless manner
        2. You will not easily find agents who are willing to apply for Georgia visa for you as its been an issue lately.
        3. We finally found a good agent who went through a lot of effort to finally even submit the evisa online.
        4. After waiting for 7 working days, we finally got a REJECTION letter on unfathomable grounds – I hold a valid schengen & US visa & was still denied the Georgia E visa. & we both have travelled to 20+ countries without any issues in the past.
        5. The VFS guy also told me its upto the immigration officer in Georgia to admit / deny you entry if you are travelling with a US visa.
        6. Indigo airlines has been shamelessly promoting direct flights to Tibilisi with NO HELP / UPDATE on their website for visas for Indians planning to travel here – they better give me a full refund for this.

        In a nutshell, please put your Georgia plans on hold if travelling from India.

        Really hope nobody else has to go through what we have been through. Its really heartbreaking to cancel a trip at the last minute after spending so much time carefully planning it fully.

  24. Hey, couple of questions on self drive option.

    (1) Is Georgia left hand drive (US Style) or right hand drive (India style)?
    (2) Can one drive with an Indian license or is an international permit required?


    1. Right but both left & right handed cars are present on the roads as rules changes recently. You can drive with an Indian licence in Georgia as long as it is in English 🙂

  25. Hi
    I want to travel solo to Georgia followed by Armenia and Azerbaijan mayb Sept or Nov nxt yr. Plan is such as Delhi has direct flights for Georgia and Azerbaijan. How safe would the countries be and how cheap/expensive for a solo female as per ur experiences. How many days would you thing would be ok for the 3 countries? Long leaves are a problem for me.
    Thanks in advance

    1. Hey Asmita – it is absolutely safe. In fact we met many solo women travellers. However since private transport is the only feasible way to do explore the countryside/villages in both countries, it would be best to stick to larger cities like Baku and Tbilsi and book a couple of guided day trips from there. For this a week should be enough 🙂

  26. Hi, has the issues with immigration for indians gotten better in Georgia? We are indians and do not have a US or schengen visa.

    1. Hello- we did not have any issues at border control but you can also get a visa in advance from Delhi/Mumbai instead of waiting to get there and getting an evisa

  27. Hi Savi,

    Thank you for the detailed blog post on Georgia! In case I didnt want to drive around, would it still be possible to do this itinerary using other modes of transport? would it be more expensive?

    1. Hey Sarah -it isn’t more expensive but public transport will mean you can’t reach many of these places. And renting a car with a driver will be considerably more expensive – hope that helps 🙂

  28. Hi Savi & Vid,

    You mentioned in one of your posts that Georgia is a short flight from Dubai. I will be visiting Dubai in Nov from India. Would it be ok to travel from Dubai to Georgia to India? Any tips for the same? This will be my first time planning a multicity trip.


  29. Hi Savi,

    You mentioned in one of your posts that Georgia is a short flight from Dubai. I will be visiting Dubai in Nov from India. Would it be ok to travel from Dubai to Georgia to India? Any tips for the same? This will be my first time planning a multicity trip.


  30. Hi Savi! Thank you so much for the tips! Could you please share suggestions for things to do in and around Batumi but within Georgia? Thanks once again!

    1. Hey Both,
      Thank you for the itinerary .. we were planning a short Christmas getaway to Georgia.. unfortunately all flights land around midnight at Tbilisi, is it safe to travel late night from airport to the hotel?

  31. Hi Savi and Vid,

    We are planning our trip to Georgia in December. However we are panning to cover Azerbaijan first and then enter Georgia from land border or via air travel. Which of the options would you recommend? We hold valid US visas. Would you recommend to get evisas? We are really confused considering the current cases of denial of entries.

    1. Hi Aastha,

      We hear you. We’d suggest just flying. Visa on arrival with US visa should not be a problem – we entered the same way in GEorgia and had no issues. Hopefully there’ll be no issues for you as well 🙂

  32. My partner and I managed to get an e-visa without any valid US visa etc.

    We are planning to visit late december for 2 weeks, stay in tbilisi for the first 2 nights and then rent a car to move for the remaining days. Not a big fan of winters but let’s see!

    What would you recommend to skip and to not skip at all. We’re open to only doing georgia or doing azerbaijan/armenia as well.

    Ps’ we are trying to do a budget backpacking trip

    1. Hey Aayush

      hope you guys had a great trip. sorry could not get to this comment sooner. if you have any suggestions, leave them here so it can be helpful for future travellers 🙂

  33. I read on reddit etc that georgians are a bit racist against Indians. Is that true? If yes, what all precautions should we take?

  34. Hello Savi and Vid,

    Actually I am a bit confused between Azerbaijan and Georgia.
    Which is worth visiting in March among the above two ?
    Need you suggestion 🙂
    Did you book a local travel agency after arriving at Georgia or pre-booked it before departing for Georgia ?

    Thank You

    1. Hey

      We loved both – no we didn’t book a travel agency in Georgia, we just planned it on our own before departing for Georgia. You could also combine the 2 on your trip 🙂 both are beautiful

  35. Hi Savi,

    I’m planning to take my mum to Georgia.. it will be her first visit to an European country.. hence want it to be smooth and hassle free.

    Do you have any idea if Indians can travel with e-visa or have apply directly with the embassy.
    Is there any issue travelling with e-visa?

    Thanks in advance..


    1. Hey NEha

      We availed the visa on arrival facility (since we had US and Schengen visa) and that was seamless, but we have heard from some people that their eVisa applications / paper applications have been refused without a concrete reason. But we also know of people whose eVisa was accepted. So we’d suggest applying for the eVisa

  36. Hi. We are also planning a trip in Feb. Want to cover all the places you mentioned. But we will be travelling with a 2yr old. Is the weather and overall terrain favourable during Feb, especially with a child?

  37. Hey guys, I plan to take a day trip to Armenia from Georgia. How did you folks apply for the e-visa on the site since it asks for local accommodation details?

    1. Hi Tanvi,

      You can book a refundable hotel and just show it. When we applied, we also had multiple entry visas for Schengen as well as a valid US visa, so we didn’t upload any accommodation details. Perhaps that requirement has changed in the last 2 years.

  38. Hi Savi and Vid

    Thanks for this detailed itinerary.
    We are planning to travel to Georgia first, then take a overnight train to Baku, AZ from there. But I have heard some cases where Indians especially are checked thoroughly while traveling b/w these countries and might be deported though having a valid visa.
    Any thoughts on that?

    1. Hey Soumya,

      We have heard this as well, but can’t comment from personal experience as we visited both these countries independently without any issues

  39. Hi Savi,
    Loved your blog. It has been the key inspiration behind our entire planning for the Georgia trip. We plan to go in May for 8nights. Have added a couple of nights in Batumi. We will be travelling from Mumbai. A couple of questions.
    1) Can we drive there on Indian license?? Do we need any extra permission?? Or international license? And is it safe to drive there considering the left side drive.
    2) Do u recommend flying back to Mumbai from Batumi?

    1. Hi Parag,

      Yes, we drove with Indian license without any issue. Sure, if you can find a convenient flight back from Batumi to Mumbai, then why not

  40. Hi Savi & Vid, Hope you guys are doing great..
    This May we are planning trip to either Georgia or Combination of Georgia with Armenia. We are 2 adults travelling with 9 year kid and 1 year infant.
    1.If we plan to combine Georgia with Armenia should we apply E-visa from India or can we apply Armenian Visa for 2 to 3 days from Georgia?
    2. We are entering to Tbilisi but can we opt to fly back from Armenia to India instead of coming back to Tbilisi as Exit point.

    1. Hi Nishanth

      We’d suggest applying e-visa from India only so you have everything in order before you depart India, especially if you’re planning to exit from Armenia (which is possible, but I think the flights etc. might be better from Georgia back to India with direct connectivity)

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