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Written by Savi, 133 Comments

We’ve been living in London for over 5 years now and have been known to pledge unwavering loyalty to The East End. We even have a tote bag to prove our undying love for London’s most bohemian, artsy, and culturally-diverse area (and Nude Espresso, butย that’s a story for another day). Look:




Eating London Food Tours


The other great love of our lives is food – if you’ve been reading Bruised Passports for a while, you would know thatย we are passionate about trying local food. At Bruised Passports, we believe that sampling local food is usually the best way to gauge the pulse of a city.

Put the two together and what do you get? A Food Tour of the East End. Hallelujah!

We must admit we got very excited when we first heard of a food tour spanning our favourite pockets in the East End – Shoreditch, Brick Lane, and Spitalfields. ‘Sheer Genius – why didn’t anyone think of this before?’ might have been the first words to escape our lips. We promptly booked ourselves places on Saturday’s tour and spent the rest of the week anticipating the culinary delights that would greet us at the weekend.

At 10 a.m. on Saturday, we met Nicole (our tour guide) opposite the Liverpool Street Station. Nicole’s infectious smile and the size of the group (8 people) immediately put us at ease. A quick round of introductions later, we took our rumbling tummies on the culinary ride of a lifetime.

The tour started at the legendary St. John’s Bread and Wine in Spitalfields. Famous for ‘nose to tail’ cookery, an archetypal British technique that utilises every part of the animal’s body, St. John’s is revered in lands far and wide for its rustic food. We sampled (I say ‘sampled’, but it was a large portion) their famous bacon sandwiches – freshly baked bread brushed with rich butter enveloped generous slivers of bacon. This artery-clogging local sandwich is the stuff legends are made of.


Eating London Food Tour St JohnSt. John Bread and Wine in Spitalfields

Eating London Food Tour SandwichOne of the best bacon sandwiches EVER

Next Up – A traditional pub for an old British classic – Bread and Butter Pudding. The pudding was accompanied with rich vanilla custard spiked with rum. Dessert and rum for breakfast – ALWAYS a good sign ๐Ÿ™‚

ย Eating London Food Tour

Banana Bread and Butter pudding with custard

The stodgy sandwich and pudding left us full. I remember getting apprehensive about being unable to sample the other 6 courses of the elaborate feast Nicole had planned for us. But Nicole had other plans. She made sure we worked up an appetite as she walked us through the meandering alleys of the East End, peppering the tour with anecdotal information. Everyone from Jack the Ripper to immigrant Frenchmen made an appearance.

Soon we reached the Spitalfields Markets. We worked our way through vintage cameras and clothes to reach Androuets’ cheese boutique. The cheesemongers are known for their extensive array of cheeses and we couldn’t wait to try some of their finest offerings. As we entered, three platters of different kinds of English cheese, dutifully paired with cranberries, grapes, and caramelized walnuts awaited us. Our favourite was the Blue Stilton.


Eating London Food Tour cheese


Eating London Food Tour AndrouetA variety of gourmet cheeses at Androuet’s

Eating London Food Tour Androuet Cheese


Of course no Food Tour in UK would be complete without Fish and Chips. We visited Poppies, another English institution, for fried cod, mushy peas, and chunky chips. The vintage decor at Poppies did a fabulous job of transporting us to the English seaside within minutes.

ย Eating London Food Tour


Eating London Food Tour Fish Chipsย Fish & Chips at Poppies

Tummies heaving, we waddled out of Poppies. Once again, Nicole came to the rescue. She reeled off cultural and historical nuggets about Brick Lane with the ease of a historian, introduced us to the street art of the area, and finally took us to her local pub to sample English apple cider. We spent a long time chatting with the rest of the group at the pub – the small size of the group ensured we were all friends by the end of the day.


Eating London Food Tour street artBrick Lane’s stunning street art and our group

Eating London Food Tour street art


Back to the business at hand. Next, we visited Beigel Bake, one of the most renowned Jewish eateries in London. As always, the take-away was extremely busy but we did not have queue to get our bagels. Nicole was greeted with a smile by the owners and we were digging into their moist salt-beef bagels before we knew it.


Eating London Food Tour Beigel Bake


Bagels Eating London Food TourFreshly-baked bagels

Eating London Food Tour Beef Beigel BakeBeigel Bake’s famous salt beef bagelsย 

One cannot visit Brick Lane without trying curry. Britain is a nation of curry lovers, so there is no shortage of Indian and Bangladeshi curry houses in the area. We tried some fiery chicken curry, mixed vegetables, and naan bread at a restaurant in the area.


Eating London Food Tour Curry


Phew! 7 courses down, 1 to go.

By this time, we were begrudging the lack of elastic on the waistbands of our trousers. But the food babies we were carrying in our tummies could not stop us from binging on the last (and perhaps the best) course of the ‘meal’ – a sumptuous salted caramel and chocolate tart with whipped cream. A buttery crust filled with sticky caramel, chocolate ganache, and the slightest hint of salt – perfect doesn’t even begin to describe it.


Eating London Food Tour Salted Caramel TartSalted caramel tart – YUM!

The East End food tour is our idea of a perfect tour – delicious samples of typical English food peppered with nuggets of historical and cultural information. It is the best way to acquaint yourself with London if you’re a tourist and the perfect way to fall in love with your city (all over again?) if you’re a resident. If there be such a thing as foodgasm, it is here!

Fact File

  • Eating London food tour company conducts the East End food tour 6 days a week (Mon-Sat)
  • The tour is 3.5 hours long.
  • Vegetarian? No worries – just make your preference known when you book the tour
  • The prices of all meals and tips are included in the cost of the tour
  • Wear elasticated trousers – you’re going to need them ๐Ÿ˜‰
  • More information about this tour can be found here:ย


While in London, the best way to explore the city is The London Pass (use code SPRING6ย for 6% discount on all passes)


What is you favourite food in London? Tell us in the comments below:)
East End ย Food Tour – c/o Eating London Tours.

133 thoughts on “Devour London with Eating London Food Tours

  1. woooow Savi! So tempting and mouth-watering and sooooo yummm. I want to try all that too -pleassssseee ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. This food tour seems to be a great way to enjoy London’s food-looks so yummy-shall surely go on this tour on my next trip to the city………its going to be a first on my list of to do things in London ๐Ÿ™‚

      1. Please could i get the discount code? I really want to book for my mothers bday present but im a broke student lol

          1. Hi, may I get the discount code for the East End food tour too? My daughter and I will be in London this July, 2016. BTW I found your site through a Google search.

  3. That looks bloody wonderful. I’d been eyeing up an east London street art tour but this looks even more gratifying. Your recent posts are making me miss the UK (currently travelling Central Asia) #noplacelikehome

    1. Ohhh! I’m taking this food tour and another street art tour next week in London. I haven’t really ever explored the East End but it certainly seems like the coolest area!

      1. Adam I think you’ll love the East End. Are you taking the free Street Art Tour (The Alternative London Tour)? We took it last year and really enjoyed it. Will you be around in London for a while? Vid and I are leaving for Spain next week, but would love to catch up over a drink or two once we’re back ๐Ÿ™‚

    2. Delia I agree- there is no place like the UK. You must go on the Eating London tour once you get back – it’s lush, to say the least ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. Argghh this all looks tormentingly delicious! I’m moving to London at the end of September so will definitely make use of this food tour. Nicole sounds like the perfect tour guide too. I love east London… I can get lost for hours in all the food stalls and vintage shops!

    1. Shing I think you would love this tour, especially because you have a soft spot for culture and history too ๐Ÿ™‚ Drop us a line once you move to London? We should meet up for a drink or two.

    1. Micamy you should totally go on the tour. Just drop us a mail and we will send a cheeky voucher code across for a discount on the tour ๐Ÿ™‚

  5. This sounds so incredible. We will be in London for Christmas time and are hoping to make a reso for our whole family for the tour. Any chance the cheeky voucher code is still available?

  6. Loved your post!! My stomach is grumbling at the sight of all of that food…I’ve been on the fence about this tour but I am now convinced! Could I cheekily ask if you’d be so nice as to send me the promotional code if it’s still available?

    1. Dear Beth,

      Of course not !

      I have sent you an email with a discount code for Eating London Food Tour ๐Ÿ™‚ Let me know if you haven’t received it.

      You’ll love it. Have a great time in London.


  7. How have I lived in London for 13 years and not yet done this?! It looks amazing and I’m so inspired to give it a go after seeing your fabulous account – Is it cheeky to ask if I can email you to get the details of the promo cod e(if it is still running that is)?

    1. It’s not cheeky at all ๐Ÿ™‚ Just drop us an email and we’ll send you the code right away! You should definitely go for the Eating London Food Tour. Cheers!

  8. Hi can you send me the promo code for Eating London, we’re going in two weeks, sounds great, i tried not to look too closely at your pics so I would be surprised! Thank you

  9. What a great post! The pictures are beautiful, will definitely take this tour next month when in London with my husband. If you have any promo codes left, we’d love to have one. Thank you so much! In Finnish: Kiitos! ๐Ÿ™‚

  10. What a great post! I’ve been convinced that we need to take this tour in Sept when we are there. I emailed you to see if the promo code is still available. ๐Ÿ™‚

  11. Hi,
    Was looking for reviews of this tour and yours was the first one I read: no doubt we’re taking this tour when we’re in london this fall! And that sreeet art tour too! Could you send us the discount code as well or is that no longer available/valid?

  12. Hi! Really enjoying your website and reading about your travel experiences. Looking at the London Eating Food Tour. Is the promo code still valid? If so, could you send it to me? Thanks!

  13. Thanks for a great post! It’s always helpful to hear from people who have been on these food tours–we love them! Any chance the promo code is still valid?

  14. Really loved reading this post. We will be in London within 3 weeks and would like to go on this tour as well. As we are a family of 5 , a discount code would be very much appreciated. ๐Ÿ™‚

  15. Any chance to get the promo code, we will be in London next week and want to book for the 21st thanks Jay

  16. the east end food tour sounds amazing. Do you know if they ever offer discounts or promotions? My family of 4 will be heading to London next summer. Thanks!

  17. Bringing my daughter to London for her first overseas trip week after next. We love the looks of this tour and would love the discount code if it’s still available.

    1. Hey Carrie – we sent you the voucher code for Eating London Food Tours over email. Hope you got it ok? ๐Ÿ™‚

  18. LOVE your blog!! Is the passcode/discount still available for the Eating London tour? If so, I would love to receive it. I will be traveling to London in August, and our family of five would really like to take this tour.

    1. Hey Nicole, we tried sending you the code via email but it bounced back. Do you have another email address? ๐Ÿ™‚

  19. A friend just did this tour in October and raved about it. I am all set to book it but wondered if you still have a promo code to make the price more… affordable?! Thank you!!

  20. Hi! I was wondering if I could get the promo code? I’m going to London in December and so looking forward to doing a food tour for the first time! Thanks!

  21. Hi there! I loved your post. I’ll be backpacking solo in Europe in a couple months and would like to add this food tour to my list. I’m on a budget so a discount code would be much appreciated if its still available ๐Ÿ™‚

  22. Wow what a thorough review, had my mouth watering already! Do you still happen to have coupon codes for this, would love to go!

  23. Are you still giving out promo codes for this tour? We’re going to be in London in a couple of weeks and would love to try it!

  24. This sounds amazing! And the pictures look absolutly mouth-watering!
    I will be in London in May with my sister and I think that tour would be the highlight.
    May I also have the promo code? Thanks a million!

  25. My wife and I will be in London the end of April and are looking for a food tour. Can you please send us the discount code? Thank you.

  26. My wife and I are coming to London the end of April and are looking for a food tour. Can you please send the discount code? Thank you!

  27. Hi – the tour sounds terrific. Could you send me the promo code – I’d like to book it next week for my husband daughter and I!

  28. I was wondering if you’d be kind enough to share the discount code with me? Amazing blog by the way, you guys are really inspirational

  29. Hi Savi! Great post, thank you for sharing ๐Ÿ™‚ I’m hoping to book the Eating Europe London Tour for my Mum and I and I was wondering if I could get the discount code?

    1. Thanks a ton Jaclyn – just emailed you the discount code for the Eating London Tour. Hope you got it ok ๐Ÿ™‚

  30. Hi there! Excellent read. Wondering if you might be able to provide the promo code? We are heading to London next month. Thanks in advance.

  31. Loved your post about the East End food tour. We are headed to London the day after Thanksgiving and would love to do this tour. Could you send the discount code? Thanks

  32. Your blog is great and you totally sold me on the Eating London food tour. I’d have signed up at the mention of salted caramel alone, but everything sounds wonderful. Any chance there’s still a working discount code you can send me? Thanks!

  33. Hello Savi,
    thank you for the detailed review and the great photos. I’ll be in London in April and look forward to taking this tour.
    Is there still a promo code available? Thank you in advance.

  34. Looking at doing a food tour in Sept 2017 – can you send a promo code? Thanks again- love your page

    1. Hey Elizabeth – we just sent the discount code for Eating London Food Tour across to you over email ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. Hey Khushboo,

      Yeah there are some nice ones in that area – try Nude Coffee and TAP (just google these names and you’ll see they are right off oxford street ๐Ÿ™‚

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