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Written by Savi, No comments

 It’s summer and the sun is finally shining in UK. While everybody (and their nan) is planning a getaway to Spain, we thought of doing something different this year and nipping out for a city break instead.


Of course there is no dearth of city breaks in Europe – from Barcelona to Prague, there’s something for everyone. But we’ve been there, done that! This year, we chose Dublin – purely because of Ireland’s proximity to UK and affordable flights. We consulted our holiday checklist, made sure we had everything we needed for a memorable holiday, and off we went.


Summer is the perfect time to visit Dublin
Summer is the perfect time to visit Dublin


Our flight arrived in Dublin at an unearthly hour (3 am!!). We’d already perused a guide of Dublin Airport hotels and picked a favourite. We checked ourselves in and both of us were asleep before we knew it.


The next day, we got around to appreciating our well-furnished room and the appetising breakfast at our hotel. There is something about the presence of fresh luscious berries at breakfast – they serve as a stark reminder of the glorious European summer. We crave for summer all year around and these berries herald (and celebrate!) its full glory. I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again – I just love love love the short-lived summer season in Europe.


UK just blossoms during the summer. Suddenly there is so much to do and so much to see. From plays to picnics and festivals to parades, there is something new happening everyday. Ireland is no different.


It was easy to spot what I call ‘super happy summer faces’ on our first day out in the city. We explored the city centre and admired stunning architecture at St. Patrick’s Cathedral and Christ Church Cathedral. We walked around some more and explored Dublin’s famous post office and Dublin Castle, which used to be the seat of the British Rule in Ireland.


The afternoon sun was shining down upon us when we chanced on a quaint Farmers’ Market. Never ones to let the opportunity of a potential picnic go to waste, we stocked up on freshly-baked breads, fruits, scones, locally-sourced meats, and cheese.


Food in tow, we hit Dublin’s green spaces (there’s no dearth of parks around the city!) for an impromptu picnic and spent a lazy afternoon lolling on the grass. This became somewhat of a ritual. We managed to sneak a picnic into our itinerary everyday whilst we were in Dublin.


Don't forget to nip out for a picnic
Don’t forget to nip out in summer


Or a picnic?
For a calorie-laden picnic


Perfect summer picnics
Perfect summer picnics in Dublin


However if you’re not in the mood to vegetate on grass, there are plenty of al-fresco cafes and restaurants in Dublin. For evenings, we love the grungy vibe of Garage Bar on Essex Street and casual feel of The Bar With No Name on Fade Street.


There is no dearth of good cafes in Dublin
There is no dearth of good cafes in Dublin


If you’re in Dublin for more than 3 days, don’t forget to head out of the city to Howth for a gorgeous walk along dramatic cliffs. If you’re not in the mood for a walk, Bull Island and St. Anne’s walk are perfect for a lazy day out.


We loved Dublin so much, we just might go back for more 🙂

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