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Written by Savi, 14 Comments

These pictures were taken on a cold spring day when the sun was playing peek-a-boo in Bratislava. The weather explains my somewhat schizophrenic ensemble- I had a scarf and beanie to keep me warm, but by the afternoon I was down to my neon-pink vest top from H&M. We shot these photos in the crumbling alleys of Bratislava- my favourite part of the city. The city centre has been preened to fit the ‘European Capital’ stereotype, so you’ll find fountains and piazzas at every corner. But venture out of the centre, and you’ll discover some amazing street art, dilapidated alleys, and slumping bridges, all of which have an inimitable charm all their own.

I digress. About the outfit, it might as well be sponsored by H&M. I think I got a bit carried away seeing all the neons in store. But I really do enjoy the pink-on-pink combination. Both the trousers and top scream summer and happy thoughts. I threw on a smattering of silver accessories (clutch bag, studded belt, aviators) to offset the brightness of the outfit. Even so, I felt like a bit of a fluorescent gnome all day. To finish the outfit, I opted for a comfortable pair of shoes because we had to walk a lot that day. A pair of silver heels would look stellar with this outfit, but tottering on cobbled alleys is nobody’s idea of fun.

Vest: H&M

Trousers: H&M

Coat: Dorothy Perkins

Clutch Bag: H&M

Beanie: American Eagle Outfitters (I picked it up in New York)

Scarf: H&M

Studded Belt: New Look

Shoes: New Look

Sunglasses: H&M

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UK Fashion Blog Neon

UK Fashion Blog Neon

UK Fashion Blog Neon

14 thoughts on “Neon Rush

  1. Woman, you are simply GORGEOUS, I mean you so chic and hip and I am amazed how one can look so awesome when travelling. Keep going, read you today at IMBB…. ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. Sital it’s so sweet of you to say that ๐Ÿ™‚ I’ll def. be smiling all day now. There’s loads of outfits coming up- look up our facebook page for more details

  2. Awesome is the word….pink is my fav color and i just loved the comibination!! U really look stylish..great going ๐Ÿ˜€

  3. thats a perfect pink on pink combi and how amazing is silver going with the whole attire!!!neons are so in this summer, each store i visit its filled up with them!!they are a true mood lifter..

    I have become a fan of your styling!! LOVE IT!!
    keep the posts flowing:)

  4. you are a true fashion diva…subscribed your blog today after seeing you on IMBB…way to go gurl :))

  5. ur outfit looks superllyy cooooool…. n ur hairdo totally matches wid it…:)
    love d pink n pink combo…. u luk grt…:D

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