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A whistle-stop tour of London: top tips

Written by Savi, One Comment

You might know the feeling – you’ve got a stopover at Stansted Airport for a few days, and plenty of time to kill.

So what do you do? Although the airport itself boasts numerous amenities, including restaurants, the Stansted meet and greet, shops, VIP areas and nearby hotels, the best thing you can do is hit London and pack in as many sights as you can.

With such a sprawling city, you won’t be struggling for places to visit. Here are just a few of your options.

A day of horror

If you’re looking for a scare to entertain the entire family, head to The London Dungeon on the South Bank near Waterloo. There, you’ll be treated to a Horrible Histories-esque tour through the underbelly of the capital across the centuries.

With cameos from Henry VIII (played gamely by Brian Blessed), Jack the Ripper, Mrs Lovett and a parade of peasants and hangmen, the dungeons are an experience that will delight and disgust tourists of any age.

For a more traditional horror, visit the Fortune Theatre in Covent Garden for a showing of The Woman in Black.

A dark horror in the Gothic tradition, this play sees junior solicitor Arthur Kipps visit Eel Marsh House to put its recently deceased occupant’s affairs in order. But what awaits is a terrifying tale that has had audiences literally screaming in fear during its 25-year run.

The tourist haunts

There’s a reason that the tourist traps like Big Ben, Buckingham Palace, Downing Street, the Millennium Eye and Trafalgar Square are so popular – they’re feats of stunning architecture and wonderful landmarks of history.

Thankfully for your tired feet and limited budget, these vital sights are actually only a 10-15 minute walk from each other. So you can catch those tourist snaps in no time and appreciate the impressive nature of this teeming city.

London Helicopter London Eye
Aah! The London Eye and Big Ben


Breathe in the culture

As you might expect, the English capital boasts a ton of museums, art galleries and cultural curios that could fill months of any tourist’s life, let alone a few days.

If you’re searching for the best of modern art, then the Whitechapel Gallery could be exactly what you need. Featuring a revolving door of fresh artists and contemporary masters, this gallery next to Whitechapel Station has work that will, baffle, frustrate, stimulate and entertain in equal measure.

For the classics, The National Gallery is peerless. There, you’ll make acquaintance with world-renowned paintings from the likes of Monet, Van Gogh, Caravaggio, Lautrec and thousands more. You could get lost in The National Gallery for days and still not see everything. It’s a must-visit.


Offbeat London Best Walks
There is no dearth of free and enchanting walks in London

1 thought on “A whistle-stop tour of London: top tips

  1. It’s a common situation, having a long stopover and plenty of time to fill at an airport like Stansted. Your post provides some great ideas for making the most of that time. I particularly liked your suggestion on [mention a specific idea from the article, if applicable], as it’s a unique way to explore the area even if you have just a short window.

    As someone who travels frequently, I can relate to the need for creative ways to pass the time during stopovers. Thanks for sharing these practical tips, and I’ll be sure to keep them in mind for my next journey through Stansted Airport.

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