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Written by Savi, 19 Comments

Every year hordes of people pour into Siem Reap to explore the famed Angkor Temples. The crumbling facades of ancient temples, their never-ending corridors, and mysterious courtyards are definitely the highlight of a trip to Siem Reap. If you want a complete low down on The Angkor Temples, make sure you read our Guide to Angkor : 10 Temples That You Must See (opens in new tab)


But there is so much more to Siem Reap that just the Angkor Temples. There are bike tours, cultural programmes and chaotic markets, which are essentially hectic labyrinths of affordable shops, busy massage parlours, and street food joints. The spirit of Cambodia lies on these busy streets and you can’t leave the city without exploring them first. Here are our favourite things to do in Siem Reap and once you have witnessed Siem Reap through our eyes, we also have a way for you to win a dream holiday (keep reading) 🙂


#1 Take A Cooking Class

Believe it or not, one of our most memorable experiences in Siem Reap was actually a Khmer Cooking Class. We opted for a 4 hour class and we were whisked away to a small village on the outskirts of Siem Reap by the company’s tuk-tuk driver.


We spent the morning acquainting ourselves with a local family and Cambodian spices and herbs. The afternoon was spent marvelling at whiffs of exotic herbs (Thai basil anyone?) and grinding spices in a pestle and mortar. I was most excited about making Chicken Amok, the most popular curry in Cambodia, from scratch. As the curry boiled furtively, the smell of the coconut cream combined with the lull of the countryside and the sun’s bright rays lent a bit of magic to the proceedings.


Then it was time for the good stuff – EATING all that food 🙂  In case you’re wondering, we made raw mango and peanut salad, chicken Amok and coconut balls stuffed with locally-sourced palm sugar. The chef laid a table for us in a wooden gazebo in the middle of a lotus pond and we spent a long time devouring the freshly-made food.


We took the cooking class with Beyond Unique Escapes, a tour company that prides itself on responsible tourism. The cooking class costs $22. We had individual work stations and the cooking area was extremely hygienic. We would highly recommend them because the people at Beyond Unique Escapes believe in educating underprivileged kids and adults and giving back to society in every way they can.


things to do in Siem Reap
Coconut dessert with palm sugar – A cooking class MUST be on your list of things to do in Siem Reap


things to do in Siem Reap
A self-cooked meal with our group


things to do in Siem Reap
Savi with the chef and our guide



#2 Visit the Markets

The labyrinthine alleys of Siem Reap’s markets are the quintessence of the Cambodian spirit. They’re noisy, disordered, and so seductive. Where else will you find fresh-fruit smoothies for under a dollar? We would fly back this instant to Cambodia just for the luscious fruits on offer.


We shalt forge ahead, despite the fact that all rational thought is currently clouded by visions of mango, watermelon, and banana smoothies 😉 Make sure you bargain for souvenirs, trinkets, and loose cotton trousers at Psar Chas (Old Market), get a fish pedicure or massage at the Old Market, and explore Pub Street after a long day at the temples. The graffiti-laden Angkor What bar (see what they did there?) is a fun place for a beer bucket or two. If you’re after a quieter local bar, there are dozens of them off the main street.


If you enjoy going off the beaten path, visit the Psa Leu fruit and vegetable market. It’s chaotic, even grubby, but there’s not one tourist in sight. It provides the perfect opportunity to intermingle with locals.


things to do in Siem Reap
Dragon Fruit – nom, nom, nom!


things to do in Siem Reap
Vegetable Vendor at the Old Market in Siem Reap


things to do in Siem Reap
Pub Street should definitely feature on your list of things to do in Siem Reap



#3 Take your tongue for a ride

There is some amazing food on offer in Cambodia. Everything from Amok Chicken to rice-noodle soup, grilled fresh-water fish to stir-fried vegetables is scrumptious. Cambodians pride themselves on simple and fresh ingredients and this lends an unbeatable flavour to Khmer cuisine.


However if you’re up for a bit of an adventure, you can also try deep fried snakes, tarantulas, crickets, and spiders. Who knows, you might want a bag full of tarantulas instead of popcorn the next time you watch a film 😉


Now if you want to take your mind for a ride, you might want to try Cambodia’s notorious “Happy Pizzas”. Amsterdam might know how to crack ’em hash brownies but Siem Reap sure does know how to dish up a Happy Pizza. Go to Ecstatic Pizza Restaurant by Pub Street – that’s all we’ll say!


things to do in Siem Reap
Khmer food is amazing


things to do in Siem Reap
Fancy some snakes, tarantulas, crickets, or spiders? 😉



#4 Witness an Apsara Dance

This is the tricky one – Apsara Dance, a classical Khmer dance, might be important to the art and culture of Cambodia but it has been commercialised beyond belief. The dance itself  is pleasurable so it should be on your list of things to do in Siem Reap.


But try not to opt for a package that includes access to a dance show and buffet dinner. We went for the Apsara Dance at Kulen 2 and wouldn’t recommend it at all. The bog-standard buffet is served before the performance. But it’s quite a dampener because it leads to a lot of commotion even during the show as well.


The Apsaras (celestial maidens) were gorgeous and the stage setting was fantastic but we really didn’t enjoy the show. Do you have any recommendations for Apsara Shows in Siem Reap? Leave them in the comments below – they’ll help other readers 🙂


things to do in Siem Reap apsara dance
Things to do in Siem Reap – Apsara Dance



#5 Visit buildings which lie outside the Angkor Archaeological Complex

Don’t restrict yourself to the Angkor Archaeological Complex. Siem Reap has so many pagodas, temples, and cultural buildings, some of which are more fascinating than the buildings that form a part of the Angkor Archaeological Complex. If you see an interesting building, make sure you go in for a gander. Who knows what you might find 🙂 One of the gems we discovered was a massive cemetery commemorating victims of genocide in Cambodia and soldiers who fought against it. It’s a nameless complex, but look how gorgeous it is


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The majestic entrance of the nameless “graveyard”


things to do in siem reap
Intricate carvings on the elaborate plaques are bound to stun you



And this is how we will become millionaires and fly back to Asia 😉

We had to take part in this really cool game from The Intercontinental Hotels Group (IHG) that has been doing the rounds of the internet lately. The concept is simple. The IHG Rewards Club  offers points that can be redeemed for flight tickets, hotel stays, day trips, and more. Here’s the fun part. IHG is actually awarding a MILLION points (which equals over £5000) to 5 people – this is enough to cover flights, accommodation, day trips, and a bottle of champagne or two. All you need to do is decide how you would redeem the million points. You have to spend your million points in under a minute – trust us, it is much more difficult than it sounds. After a gazillion tries, we finally managed to decide how we’d spend our points within 60 seconds . Of course we chose loads of travel-related goodies (see below) 🙂 You can .


things to do in Siem Reap
Enter the IHG Competition to win a trip including flights and accommodation


things to do in Siem Reap
Decisions, decisions – where should we fly to?


things to do in Siem Reap
Here’s what we picked 🙂


We picked flights to Asia and Paris, another cooking class, and donated quite a few points to charity. What did you pick? Tell us in the comments below 🙂



Looking for a hotel in Siem Reap? We stayed in a gorgeous hidden boutique hotel. Read about our experience at Pavillon D’ Orient.

Stuck on packing for South East Asia? Check out our Wears from Vietnam and Cambodia for a spot of inspiration.


19 thoughts on “What after Angkor? 5 Things to do in Siem Reap

  1. Nice list, we spent lots of our time around Angkor and also the markets but at the time we were there, it got too hot n humid.

    We found Khmer food very funny at times, it mostly tasted the same but everyone around us would be kicking their fingers.

    1. Hey guys – we found taking a cooking class at the beginning of our trip in Cambodia really helped us grasp the subtlety of flavours et al. You’re right – Khmer food isn’t anything like Thai food and a lot of the westernised Khmer food around the main markets does taste the same, but then there are these li’l restaurants that can dish up a mean Amok curry 🙂

  2. Thanks for this, guys! There are so many photo essays and posts in general on Angkor, it’s easy to forget there’s a whole town there with stuff to do in it! Looking forward to trying out some of this (maybe next year?), especially a cooking class!

    1. Hey Nicole, so glad you enjoyed reading Bruised Passports 🙂 We’re working our way through the Tripoto list too – love discovering other blogs

  3. Great post but I just want to know, well, did you try the tarantula dish or the snake kabobs? 🙂 It reminded me of the spread in one of the Indiana Jones movies.

    1. Hey Vilma – yeah we did try the tarantulas. They were deep fried beyond belief, so they just tasted like fritters. Would we have them again? Probably not!!

  4. We also loved the markets and the various cafes in Siem Reap. Loved Khmer Kitchen and though that the Dead Fish cafe was fun. I couldn’t do the cockroaches though – I am a wimp

    1. Hey guys – we loved Khmer Kitchen too. Aah cockroaches – you definitely didn’t miss much 😉

    1. Yep, we did. We bought a couple of them just to try them- they’d been deep-fried beyond belief so they tasted just like fritters

  5. Hi Savi,

    May I ask you where you found that beautiful blue wall (with the intricate carvings)? I’d like to visit it too but I can’t seem to find any information about it anywhere!

    Thank you so much

  6. Great photos on it !!!!! Snakes are look so tasty lol >> Thank you for sharing your experience. I m now here to work for couple weeks. If you will ever come back here again please check The Escape Hunt Experience Angkor as well ^^

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