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Written by Savi, 26 Comments

If you’ve read our Guide to the Souks of Marrakech, you would know that Marrakech is an assault to the senses like no other place in the world. Walk to the Djemaa- El-Fnaa (the central square) and you will see what we mean. It is the perfect amalgam of colour, energy, and vibrance- follow the drifting smells of the spices as you make your way around labyrinthine alleys to discover local food. You will be offered snails, sheep’s head, and fried aubergines in the same breath. These will be followed by scrumptious Moroccan dates. It is no wonder that food is the highlight of a trip to Marrakech – it’s cheap, cheerful, and very tasty.

Most importantly it is colourful. The souks are akin to an explosion of colour – yellow and red spices dilly dally with bright blue dyes, green olives, and orange pottery. We love these bright images so much that we actually got one of them printed on a poster from Instant Print for our living room. We hope you enjoy this essay – it is our ode to the delectable streetfood of Marrakech:


#1 Blood Oranges

Deeply-pigmented blood oranges are a speciality in Morocco. A number of juice sellers at Djemaa-El-Fnaa sell the juice of blood oranges, but charge a premium for it. It wouldn’t be an overestimation to call the delicious, freshly-squeezed orange juice sold by the vendors lining Djemaa-El-Fnaa the best orange juice in the world.


street food of Marrakech
Moroccan oranges are the tastiest!!


#2 Olives: 

Marrakech‘s souks have a large section dedicated to different kinds of flavoursome olives from the Atlas Mountains


street food of Marrakech
The Olive Souk in Marrakech is laden with olives of all shapes and sizes 🙂


#3 Tagine: 

In Morocco, the classic tagine is served with bread at street-side cafés. Use the bread to scoop the curried, zesty gravy- just like the locals.


street food of Marrakech
No list of street food of Marrakech is complete without mentioning tagines


#4 Kebabs: 

Tender cuts of grilled lamb are sold at a number of restaurants dotting Marrakech‘s busy alleys.


street food of Marrakech
Freshly-grilled kebabs at a hole-in-the-wall eatery in Marrakech


#5 Moroccan Mint Tea: 

In Marrakech, mint tea is more than a hot beverage. It is symbolic of hospitality, camaraderie, and tradition. It is served in glass tea-cups with a lot of sugar.


street food of Marrakech
Moroccan mint tea – aah!


#6 Sheep’s Head: 

It is easy to spot butcher’s selling goat and sheep heads in Moroccan souks. A local speciality,this one is not for the squeamish of heart.


street food of Marrakech morocco
Sheep’s head and colourful spices on display in the souks of Marrakech, Morocco


#7 Snails in a Bucket: 

In the middle of the colourful and chaotic Djemaa-El-Fnaa, vendors sell snails to locals and tourists alike. Fancy a bowl?


street food of Marrakech
Snails by the bowl – anyone?


#8 Local Confectioner: 

Try spotting local confectioners selling their wares amidst street-artists, gypsies, snake-charmers, wandering minstrels, magicians, folk-singers, and ventriloquists. Some of the specialities include peanut brittle and sesame and fig pastries.


street food of Marrakech
Local confectioner pandering to a kid’s sweet tooth on the streets of Marrakech


Tempted to plan a trip to this amazing country? Make sure you read our list of Top 10 Things To Do in Morocco 

Did you think munching on Sheep’s head is bizarre? Wait till you read our Weirdest Travel Experiences from around the world 😉


26 thoughts on “The Street Food of Marrakech

  1. Hi Savi,

    The blood oranges and olives look beyond amazing. What imagery, and I imagine it’s an assault on the senses, indeed.

    We’ve been meaning to visit this part of the world for months. Now it’s time to work Morocco into the plan.

    As for the sheep’s or goat’s head, I’ll pass. Probably tastes good but even though I’m an experienced traveler, I still have those Western elements in me, that feel a bit freaked around when seeing these things. You’d think I’ve have been adjusted by now, but nope. Oh well.

    Thanks so much for sharing Savi. Marketing Marrakech down as a place that I need to visit.

    I’ll tweet it through Triberr.

    Vanaka vaka levu from Savusavu, Fiji.


    1. Hey Ryan – those oranges need to be tasted to be believed! They’re incredible. I can understand your apprehension about sheep’s head, we’re the same!!

    1. You’re absolutely right – nothing beats the joy of exploring local food markets. Even the though of it makes me want to book tickets to a faraway land 🙂

  2. Love the look of the confectionery, the kebabs and those juicy blood oranges – I haven’t been to Morocco but it seems like a perfect choice for a delicious, colourful well priced break! But no, I won’t be sampling the sheep’s head!

    1. Those oranges are something else Shikha – Morocco is ideal for a short break – you’ll love the colour and the energy 🙂

  3. Hi Savi,
    I have been reading and following your blog for more than a year but it is my first comment. Thank you so much for sharing and like the way you write and your fashion. you two are so adorable.I am not very good at this commenting and all but i had too,could not resist.

    1. Nurubi thanks a million for leaving a comment – it means a lot to us 🙂 We’re so happy to hear you enjoy reading Bruised Passports. We will look forward to reading your comments on future posts

  4. This looks lovely!! Husband and I are going to be in Morocco (and Tanzania for safari) next month and are super excited!!! Did you guys book your accommodation in Morocco online before going there? Where did you stay? Also, I’ve read on many solo female traveler blogs that women get harassed a lot – did you experience it or was it better because you guys were a couple?

    1. Hey Naima – we did book our accommodation online. We stayed in Riad Al Idrisi which is mentioned in our other article on Marrakech (Things to do in Marrakech

      A lot of tourists visit Marrakech, so its locals are used to seeing blonde women, solo travellers, and women in short dresses. They won’t hassle you. However the problem is aggravated outside the touristy bits of Marrakech – do exercise common sense and err on the side of caution and you’ll be alright 🙂

  5. I miss Moroccan mint tea, there’s no comparison to any mint tea you get in Germany. It just has such a strong taste, very delicious. Tajine is a dish I couldn’t see anymore at the end of two weeks travelling through Morocco but I have to admit, that I could eat one again 😉 And what about those orange juices in Marrakesh? So cheap and the best ones ever. I couldn’t get enough of them.

    1. Not been to Florida but have been to Seville and having just come back from Marrakech, agree, their oranges are magnificent. The best I’ve ever tasted….so succulent and sweet. You really should have tried the sheep’s head, surprisingly tasty, especially with cumin to season

      1. Cont >>…and their crepes, both sweet pepper and beef are delicious. Same with fishball wraps in the souk. Spleen loaf is also another famed delicacie…although not to my taste. Very irony, potent metallic flavour from the offal. The vibrancy and energy reminded me of Bangkok, although a lot more hassle from beggars, vendor, performers etc. If you return I really recommend retreating to the stunning Ourika Valley and Atlas Mts #LePalaisPaysan was a very welcome sight after mayhem of Marrakech

        1. We’re definitely trying the Spleen Loaf the next time we’re there. Now that you say it, Marrakech is a lot like Bangkok – it’s an assault to the senses but just grows on you and before you know it you’re in love 🙂

    2. Stef so good to hear we’re on the same page – Moroccan food is delish and so flavourful. It definitely doesn’t taste the same outside of Morocco 🙂

  6. Endlessly tempting, and what timing for me to find this too–right as I finalize my plans to head to Morocco for a good three weeks. While that has me very excited, these food photos actually reminded me of similar sights (with a lot of the ingredients changed) that assaulted my senses recently in your amazing city–at Portobello Road Market. 🙂

    1. Portobello Market is quite the assault to the senses isn’t it? But the experience is heightened manifold in Morocco because of the rustic and culturally-loaded ambience 🙂

  7. Hi guys
    We are off to Morocco in June. I have been reading these posts with great eagerness. I find them really interesting and encouraging. What’s your opinion on accommodation? Riads or hotels?

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