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Written by Savi, 14 Comments

London – It’s home to the Big Ben, the mighty Tower Bridge, hidden lavender farms, colourful Christmas Markets, and decadent food tours. It’s dreamy. Yes it is!


But don’t be fooled – it’s also home to incessant rain, howling winds, aggressive storms, and (for lack of a better word) winter mulch. In fact, that’s how we Londoners welcomed Christmas and New Year this year. Hallelujah! London’s weather can be such a deal-breaker. Make sure you consider the weather when you are packing for London. It’s unpredictable and can be downright nightmarish.


We stepped out for afternoon tea at Bea’s of Bloomsbury on one such day. A dozen cakes later, we were feeling less grumpy. We stepped out of the tea room, all set to see London’s  grey landscape with new eyes – cupcakes can work wonders, I tell ya! 🙂


Our first stop – London’s trademark telephone booths. These blindingly red booths are the soul of London city and never fail to cheer us up. A lot of giggling and posing followed. Just as we were walking away from the phone booth, we caught a glimpse of the newly refurbished London buses. The brand spanking new buses are (you-guessed-it) red in colour. We couldn’t resist going for a short ride on a double decker bus. It was perfect for combatting the dreariness induced by the weather. Who knew a bright colour had the power to change the tone of one’s day?!


Feeling decidedly cheerful, we walked from along the Thames to Borough Market, one of our favourite places in London. Of course there was more red to be seen. The farmer’s market was adorned with green and red wreaths, trinkets, and mistletoe – magical, to say the least. As we tip-toed out of Borough Market, both of us had smiles on our faces.  It’s indeed hard not to fall in love with London, crappy weather and all.


The colour of my coat was an absolute co-incidence. I wore it with a cable knit jumper and playful skater skirt. I added a white beanie and stockings to keep winter chills at bay. Hope you enjoy the pictures 🙂


Outfit Details 

Skirt – New Look

Jumper – H&M

Coat – Dorothy Perkins

Beanie- H&M





packing for London
St. Paul’s Cathedral, London


packing for London
What’s London without its red telephone booths?


London Fashion Blog
London’s signature red buses


packing for London
Festive Cheer at Borough Market


best budget afternoon tea in london Bea's of Bloomsbury
Afternoon Tea in London


packing for London
Consider the weather while packing for London


packing for London
The famed steps at St. Paul’s Cathedral


UK Fashion Blog
London lovin’





14 thoughts on “London Reds

    1. Thanks a million Bex. They’re not our best shots, what with cloudy skies and persistent rainfall, but I think they are representative of London 😉

  1. I love London and you do see red everywhere. Your coat is amazing and obviously the perfect shade of red looking at it next to the phone box!

  2. London is very pretty but not more than you. You are looking beautiful in last 3rd picture which tells about idea to pack things before going to London. Believe me, I am visualizing this city with your story.
    Nice post and must say very nice smile 🙂

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