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Lust List

We’ve managed to cross a lot of stuff off our travel wish-list, but we’re constantly adding to it. Here’s our top 10:




55 thoughts on “Lust List

    1. Seychelles, Zanzibar, and Easter Island are definitely on our travel wish-list, but don’t make it to the top 10. What tops your wish-list?

  1. The first and last are on my list too! You guys have a wonderful thing going here. All the very best for everything!

  2. Awesome work guys!!!BIG APPLAUD!!! i m a travel freak.. i would live, earn, kill to travel πŸ™‚ have travel to south east asia in India as of now, but ya the list is long and checks should happen soon πŸ™‚
    would love to see Aurora Borealis, enjoy Iceland, enjoy the caging with sharks apssing by in SAF, machu pichu offcorse…well the list is long and spirits are high:)

    1. Iceland is on our wish-list too Priyadarshini. Hope you manage to check everything off your wish-list soon πŸ™‚

  3. Consider the US too – the stark beauty of Utah, the smoldering stillness in Yellowstone, the stony black back bone of the Sierra Nevada, the great lakes, the swamps, the urban ease of NYC, the charm of San Francisco, the blend of cultures – you’ve got to hop across the pond!
    Long lost family πŸ™‚

    1. Aww thank you so much. A trip to Yellowstone might be in the pipeline for us- will keep you updated πŸ™‚

  4. This is so wonderful. Just looked the look and feel of your website. But I was wondering..does it not happen that sometimes you get just so busy trying to capture everything through video, pictures or on paper and forget to enjoy the moment while travelling? It has happened to me during photography, so I was wondering the same..

    1. Mohnish thanks a ton. Hope you continue to enjoy Bruised Passports. As for trying to capture things, we concur- every now and then, we leave the camera in our hotel room. It could be for an hour, a day or a weekend- needs to be done sometimes. There’s nothing like letting one’s brain absorb the wide-eyed wonder one feels on seeing 3 zebras sauntering across a field- no camera or blogpost can capture that πŸ™‚

  5. Hi Savi and Vid,

    Came across Savi’s article in Mumbai Mirror today and thought to stop by your blog…I must say very interesting blog you have here!!

    Agree with your list more or less but since each one has his/her own preference..I would add Masai Mara and Great Pacific Road in Australia in the top 10….

    Machu Pich and Trans Siberian Rail will be my top 2 for sure…

    Hope to be regular visitor here…keep traveling and share your experiences…

    “Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain!!


    1. Vatsal it’s always so good to hear from fellow travellers πŸ™‚ We would love to go to Masai Mara too

  6. Here’s my top ten list. Hope you will like it: πŸ™‚

    1. Scuba diving in Great Barrier Reef.
    2. Watching the annual migration of whales in Galapagos Islands
    3. Fishing in China with the help of cormorants
    4. Sea route parting in Jindo Island, South Korea
    5. Seeing lava coming out of Mount Etna, Italy
    6.Aurora Borealis in Northern Norway
    7. Oktoberfest in Munich, Germany
    8. Holi festival in India
    9. La Tomatina Festival, Spain
    10. Snake massage in Israel

    1. Like it? We love it πŸ™‚ In fact your wish-list makes us want to add a few items to ours (especially 1 and 2). We’ve been to Mt. Etna and it’s spectacular

  7. Skydiving and gazing upon lions in the desert over Sossusvlei, for one… Bungee jumping and watching the Moonbow at Vic Falls. Seeing Gorillas in the Rwanda/Uganda hills (and meeting old friends in DRC) before climbing Mt. Nyaragongo near Goma.

    Climbing Everest. Walking on the moon…

    At this point, I think I’m just getting ridiculous.

    1. That’s what wish-lists are for no? How about bungee jumping on the moon and unwinding with some ambrosia after? πŸ˜‰

  8. The geek in me can’t gloss over the fact that Bungee jumping on the moon will be ever so tame, what with reduced gravity and what not. Basketball would be fun, though πŸ˜›

    Also forgot to act, following the impressionists in Musee D’orsay, Paris and visiting their studios (if that’s an option).

  9. As an irrepressible shutterbug I must second Utah – it is one of the few places on earth I’ve been that don’t feel at all like it.

    The cultural mishmash of Mexico Central America is another one that will knock your socks off if you set out to discover it, add Tikal and Agua Azul to your list and on your way you’ll add a ton more.

    Love your traveller spirits!

    1. Blake we have our sights firmly set on Mexico and Central and South America for when we are checking #7 off our wish-list πŸ™‚ Your photos from Utah are tempting us to book flights right about now

  10. Making a Top 10 list is VERY hard for me. I have several lists going on –

    Visit all the Indian States (16 states & 3 UT done)
    Visit all the U.S States (22 down)
    Visit ALL the fricking countries in the world. (22 down!)

    I clearly have a long way to go. And it will take a life time. For now I pick my travels by what is the most possible opportunity! (:

    P.S. Love your list though!

    1. It was very tough to make this list- there’s loads of things I want to add to it (the lavender fields of Provence, Masai Mara, Yellowstone… I could go on ;-)). Visit ALL fricking countries in the world? Aye! That’s the plan πŸ™‚

  11. wow , now when I have TO TYPE IT DOWN I have sooo many places I wanna see πŸ˜›

    -Pyramids of Giza, Egypt
    -Enchanting beauty of Cyprus
    -Scenic Cinque Terre , Italy
    – Blue Lagoon, Iceland
    – Witness Aurora Borealis in Alaska
    – Explore the Mayan City(Probably find the missing parts of the Mayan calender :P),Tikal, Guatemala
    – Have Tagine Chicken in Morocco

    Too ambitious ?? πŸ™‚

  12. Top 10
    Brazil : Sao Paolo, Bahia Salvador, Rio, Amazon
    Machu Pichu,
    Chile –
    Borneo – Malaysia

  13. Wow! I just love your blog, your clothes, the places you choose to visit.. everything πŸ™‚
    can’t wait to make some money and do the same with my better-half.
    All the best to you guys and keep these lovely posts coming πŸ˜€

    1. Thanks a ton Akarsha – it means the world. We hope you get to travel the world super soon πŸ™‚

  14. Hey Guys

    Have you guys ever been to Kenya?

    Its a great place to visit. You’ll laugh, you’ll cry and you’ll probably fall in love with this beautiful wild country.

    The migration is a great time to visit:

    Watching two million wildebeest, zebra and gazelle crossing the Serengeti and Mara plains is a once in a lifetime experience. Immense herds plunge chaotically into crocodile infested rivers then cover the vast grassy plains in their thousands. Your safari will be filled with magical moments like this.

    “A perfect Safari destination”.

    1. Ray Kenya’s Migration is on our list of Must Dos. We’ve seen such stunning pictures of The Migration, can’t wait to experience it for ourselves πŸ™‚

      1. Savi, Vid
        When you come to Kenya, please do get in touch with me! I am now a keen follower of your blog and you have inspired me to no end. I live in Kenya and it would be a dream come true to link up with you guys!

  15. loved all your bits on here, and so on Insta… Would love to get the 9th one completed as well, 6 months and travel every inch in India… Who is up for the challenge πŸ˜€


  16. Loved your site and ur Insta channel…. damn !! such colors… brilliant is the work.. talking about the Lust list..

    I to have the 9th and 10th one to fulfil.

    would love to get the 9th one done sooner.. what say.. who is up for a challenge

    1. Hey Ash – so good to see you here πŸ™‚ We hope you enjoy our adventures around the world PS Would love to hop on the Trans-Siberian Railway NOW πŸ˜‰

  17. Hey,
    Have you Guys been to Cotswolds? Just looking for more info about what places to see and stay in for a 2 nights break.


  18. Tomorrowland on our top list too. We are moving from India to Germany shortly for a good 2-3 years and hope to have some mind-blowing travel experiences. Almost like you πŸ™‚

  19. Hey Savi Vid, Great to see souls like you both who have actually quit careers and are living life as per your dream !!

    I’ve even going thru your Bruised Passport blog since days and have in a way visited all these places from your eyes..

    You guys are now tempting me to go for a vacation soooon..

    How about BALI ??


    Phuket.. Bangkok ..?

    Awaiting for your advise and tips on the same..

    Thanks a ton!!

    1. Hey Mehv – so great to hear that you’ve been enjoying reading about adventures across the globe. Bali is a great place for a holiday. We’re written about it too πŸ™‚

  20. I am sure people have asked you this..but here I am asking this again.. if someone asks you so how much money should I keep aside to see the whole world atleast once. Europe UK and arctic igloos including.. I mean the whole Shazam once.. I use to think 30 lakh for 2 people but I wanna know from you guys..

    1. Hey Ankita – that is a good enough sum. However seeing the ‘whole world’ can be subjective – we’ve been travelling for over 10 years and have seen less than half of it πŸ™‚ If you’re taking some time off world to see the world, then I’d strongly suggest you really enjoy each place and savour it instead of checking countries/experiences off a list. Cheers πŸ™‚

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