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Written by Savi, 32 Comments
Views at San Pedro La Laguna Lake Atitlan
The sights that await at Lake Atitlan


When you’re in Guatemala, you will see 2 quotes plastered all over tourist brochures of Lake Atitlan. Alexander Humboldt famously called Lake Atitlan ‘the most beautiful lake in the world’. Aldoux Huxley, despite being ambiguous, too resorted to hyperbole while comparing Lake Atitlan to Italy’s Lake Como ‘Lake Como it seems to me, touches on the limit of permissibly picturesque, but Atitlán is Como with additional embellishments of several immense volcanoes. It really is too much of a good thing.’


As we clutched onto our bags on the local ferry and snaked our way towards a little village on Lake Atitlan, we could see why the area has been accorded such prominence dozens of literary and geographical treatises. It truly is “too pretty”, if there be such a thing! A series of volcanic mountains frame a ring of azure water. Little villages, famous for colourful handicrafts and scrumptious food, are dotted around the entire perimeter. Traditional boats transport residents and tourists from one village to the other. Here historical cathedrals and Mayan temples loom large, bright handicrafts adorn walls, and hole-in-the-wall tortillerias beckon visitors.


No wonder we ended up spending the better part of 2 months working from our remote ‘office’ in Lake Atitlan. Here we are sharing our guide to Lake Atitlan, a place that is on most ‘Places to see before you die’ lists for a reason!


Getting to Lake Atitlan, Guatemala

Many shuttles ply from Guatemala City/Antigua to Panajachel, the gateway to Lake Atitlan. The journey costs £20 and takes 4 hours. Roads are in good shape throughout and most shuttles stop at public toilets and restaurants along the way.

Once you are at Panajachel, you can take a local ferry to any of the villages on Lake Atitlan. It costs 25 Quetzales (£2.5)


Lake Atitlan Guatemala
Beautiful Lake Atitlan


Exploring Lake Atitlan in limited time

If you’re at Lake Atitlan for 2-3 days, then we would suggest staying in the town of Panajachel. Absorb the atmosphere of this wee Guatemalan town and take one day to explore the little villages/towns around the lake. Crucero de Atitlan is an ideal way to do just that – the small boat starts in Panajachel and takes visitors around the lake. It stops at several villages during the course of the day, giving visitors the chance to acquaint themselves with the cultures and handicrafts of different villages. The last stop includes a delicious 3 course meal in the village of San Juan at Uxlabil Eco Hotel.


Crucero De Atitlan Guatemala
Visiting the villages around Lake Atitlan on a day-long cruise


Choosing where to stay at Lake Atitlan

If you have a week or longer at Lake Atitlan (make sure you do – it’s worth it!), we would strongly recommend staying in one or two of the villages around the lake. Each village has a unique character – choose one that suits your personality and watch yourself fall in love with Lake Atitlan like hundreds of thousands of visitors before you. Here are some of our favourite villages around the lake:


  • San Juan

If you truly love immersing yourself in new cultures and living like locals, then San Juan is the perfect village for you. The quiet village is perfect to get a feel of local life in Atitlan. There are tortillerias at every corner and lots of street art – spending a week in San Juan is sure to make you feel like you’ve stepped back in time. Uxlabil Eco Hotel is the perfect place to stay if you’re visiting San Juan. The rustic hotel is as luxurious as it gets around here. The entire building is laden with vines and flowers. Colourful rooms boast of spacious balconies and hammocks overlooking Lake Atitlan. Kayaks are available for guests and it’s possible to go bird watching without ever leaving the hotel premises. If you’re up for trekking, they will arrange a guide for you to hike the Indian Nose (one of the mountains) or Volcan De San Pedro – comes highly recommended 🙂 It is easy to spend a week at Uxlabil Eco Hotel enjoying the charms of Lake Atitlan and admiring the low-lying clouds that cover the surrounding mountains. Bliss!


San Juan LA Laguna Uxlabil hotel
Chilling by the lake in San Juan


View from Uxlabil Eco Hotel San Juan La Laguna
The view from our room at Uxlabil Eco Hotel


Uxlabil Eco Hotel San Juan
Uxlabil Eco Hotel on the banks of Lake Atitlan


Gorgeous alleyways in San Juan – loved it!


  • San Pedro

San Pedro is a lively village boasting of a cosmopolitan population. You’ll find travellers from all across the world here. There is a lively fruit and vegetable market in the village – make sure you visit the market. San Pedro even has a small super market called Johanna, a rarity in these parts. For a good night out go to one of the bars along the lake. We stayed in an AirB&B apartment at San Pedro for a few weeks and loved our time there. You can get $38 off when you book any AirBnB apartment here.

View from San Pedro La Laguna
View from our apartment in San Pedro La Laguna


Street art San Pedro La Laguna Lake Atitlan
Amazing places, amazing people. Beautiful street art in San Pedro


Loved walking in the streets of San Pedro


  • San Marcos

San Marco is (in)famous for being the hippie village that attracts yogis, expats, and hipsters by the dozen. It sure lives up to its reputation – expect organic eateries, spiritual workshops, and yoga studios at every corner. San Marco can sometimes get too ‘westernised’ which detracts from its local flavour, but its still a fun place to spend a couple of weeks.

View from San Marcos Lake Atitlan
Gorgeous views from San Marcos (Credit: Never Ending Voyage)


  • San Antonio Palopó

San Antonio Palopó, located on the eastern side of Lake Atitlan, is very different from all other villages mentioned above. That’s because natives here have a completely different way of dressing and completely different cuisine. Even little things like hairstyles vary between villages on the western and eastern shores of the lake. Very few visitors actually make it to this part of Lake Atitlan but we would recommend visiting at least for a day. It will give you a rare opportunity to explore gorgeous churches and acquaint yourself with native handicrafts in this oft-neglected part of Lake Atitlan.

San Antonio Handicrafts and ceramics
Intricately carved and decorated pieces 🙂


What to eat at Lake Atitlan

A large part of your visit to Guatemala will revolve around food. Guatemalan food is so sumptuous, it’s all sorts of sensual. Begin your day with huevos divorcada – fried eggs served with two kinds of salsa. Try velvety smooth avocados that taste unlike anything you’ve tasted before. Savour fresh guacamole with eyes half closed. Gorge on rustic tortillas made in front of your eyes at local tortillerias. Spice them up with different kinds of salsa, available in little bottles at every corner. Snack on crisp tostadas dipped in traditional black bean paste (frijoles negros). And don’t forget to inhale the scents of Guatemalan delicacies drifting out of the windows of dozens of hole-in-the-wall eateries populating the villages of Lake Atitlan.


tacos street food Lake Atitlan
We binged on the street food in the villages. YUM!


  • Things to do at Lake Atitlan 

At the risk of sounding like a granny, I will say this – it is easy to spend hours upon hours just contemplating the beauty of Lake Atitlan. In fact, I can’t think of hyperbolic phrases that actually to justice to the beauty of the lake – that’s how pretty it is! Here are some of our favourite things to do in the area

  • Admiring Lake Atitlan’s iconic sunrises and sunsets
  • Enrolling at a Spanish school and learning the local tongue
  • Kayaking in the azure waters of Lake Atitlan
  • Experiencing life in the villages surround Lake Atitlan
  • Trekking up Indian Nose
  • Trekking up the volcanoes surrounding Lake Atitlan
  • Exploring the villages and towns dotted around Lake Atitlan


San Juan La laguna streets
There’s so much colour all around. We fell in love 🙂


Indian nose sunrise hike San Juan La Laguna Lake Atitlan
Trek to the Indian Nose at 4 a.m. to catch the sunrise. Totally WORTH it 🙂


Sunrise over Lake Atitlan from San Pedro La Laguna
Breathtaking sunrise over Lake Atitlan. One of the best we have ever experienced 🙂


Have you been to Lake Atitlan? Which was your favourite village? 🙂


32 thoughts on “Guatemala Diaries: A Guide to Lake Atitlan

    1. Sure, do make it a point to visit Guatemala- we are pretty sure you will have an amazing time there!

    1. Thanks so much Adele, we do really love it when our posts are read and waited for. Guatemala was one of our most amazing trips- we really enjoyed being there.

    1. Aww thanks Rhian and yes, Guatemala is actually one of the prettiest places we have been to!

    1. Yes Stephanie you must make a trip to Guatemala – a beautiful holiday awaits you there:)

  1. I have been waiting to read your posts on Guatemala for months now… almost wanted to reach out to you asking whether you plan to write one 🙂 Worth the wait.. love the colorful pictures!

    1. Aww thanks so much Mohini…such feedback is what keeps us going.It really is so gratifying when readers enjoy what we write 🙂

  2. Oh wow, it looks absolutely wonderful here <3 I really need to start travelling more as I'm missing out on so many fantastic sights 🙂

    Louise x

    1. Hey Louise, travelling is the best gift one can give to oneself, so yes go do it!! And it really was wonderful 🙂

    1. Thanks Kaveri, thats such a soothing comment. We are happy to know that you enjoyed our pics 🙂

  3. I’d love to go to Guatemala someday. The people, the food, the scenery: everything sounds so magical. It sounds like such a wonderful country.

    1. Yes Mel, Guatemala should top your list of to do’s where travelling is concerned…it is really, really pretty 🙂

  4. My wife and I spent three weeks at San Pedro in a language immersion school and loved the experience. It truly enriched our lives. Took a picture of a very pretty child framed in a glassless window that turned out to be very memorable: we had the photo printed and gave it to the little girl’s parents. It was the only picture they had of her. When we left town the whole family met us at the van to say goodbye…a very heartwarming experience.

    1. Aww Tom, what a beautiful experience you had in Guatemala-these are the little things that make one feel so good.Thanks so much for sharing it with us

  5. Hi Savi and Vid, I am travelling solo next month to Guatemala and would love to stay at San Pedro. Can you please reply back with AirBnB link for your stay? thanks.

  6. Headed to Lake Atitlan in a week, totally last minute trip and so excited about it. My friend is going to study Mycology at the Fungi Academy and I’m going to volunteer and explore the area solo. Are you familiar with it? Thanks for your info on traveling to Lake Atitlan from Guatemala City!!! Any extra info you can provide would be much appreciated!

    1. Hey!

      Happy to hear you enjoyed our account of Lake Atitlan. We aren’t familiar with the Fungi Academy. Just take your time in absorbing the local life around the lake – it’s a beautiful area to be in 🙂 Let us know if you have any specific questions and we’d be happy to answer – all the info is actually shared in this article 🙂

      Have a great trip!

  7. Very amazing lake, I’m mesmerized just by the photos you taken, so lovely and inspiring. wish I can visit here too someday! thanks alot for sharing this

  8. Hi Savi,

    I got to know about this country because of you people. Thank you.
    I have one question… is Guatemala safe to visit ?

    1. Hi Diksha

      Happy to hear that 🙂

      Yes, it’s safe, but like in any country, there are always areas to avoid. We always check with locals which those areas are and avoid them 🙂

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