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Written by Savi, 14 Comments

If you follow Bruised Passports on Facebook or Instagram, then you probably know we got the chance to visit Taiwan this year. We were invited to Taiwan to shoot a TV series with Discovery Channel and TLC Asia – yay. We’re so grateful to have all these incredible opportunities to share our love for travel with people around the world and you guys 🙂 We had so much fun hanging out with the crew, meeting fellow crazies from around the world, and exploring Taiwan.


We’ve always maintained we have the BEST readers in the whole entire world. Thank you for encouraging us, egging us onto new adventures, supporting us, and showering us with so much affection. You bring such happiness to our lives every single day!! Given you’re our virtual family, we just HAD to share these behind-the-scenes snippets with you guys. Ordinarily these embarrassing photos might not have seen the light of day but we’re all friends here. Besides most of you know we’re just 2 monkeys masquerading as adults, so it’s all good 😉


Here’s a short video of our shenanigans in Taiwan followed by loads of behind-the-scenes photos (A big shoutout to Renee from Vision Creator for capturing these crazy moments when we could not!). Hope you enjoy them 🙂





Bruised Passports Indian Travel bloggers
That’s how we chill with friends between shoots – no really!! 😉


When we got back to work, it looked a bit like this :)
When we DID get back to work, it looked a bit like this 🙂


Indian British travel blogger couple
Smiles – the only common tongue world over 🙂


Bruised Passports travelling on Indian passports
Trying to look intimidating in military uniforms and FAILING! Errr…


travelling on Indian passports couple
Take 2 – we’re pretending to be tough but we were just going paintballing 😉


Indian travel fashion bloggers
Smiles at the end of long shoots 🙂


Indian travel blogger couple
Trying stand-up paddle-boarding for the first time ever!


Indian travel blogger couple
Interviews between filming days


Indian travel blogger couple
How would you like to be on national television with safety jackets on top of disposable raincoats that are 10 sizes too big for you 😉


Indian travel fashion blogger
Making XXXL peanut candy coz we loved it so!!


Peanut Candy taiwan road trip
Umm I think we like peanut candy 😉


Taiwan TV show
Chilling with our crew after a day of shooting 🙂


London travel blogger TV show
Our camera woman Peta – such a goofball, so much fun. We miss her! 🙂


Bruised Passports Indian Travel Bloggers
Yep it’s true, there are more cameras than people and all that gorgeous food is going cold ??


Indian travel bloggers tv show
Can we eat nowwww? 🙂


The cast & crew playing a let's-make-the-weirdest-face contest - Savi and Mike win hands down ;-)
The cast & crew playing a let’s-make-the-weirdest-face contest – Savi, Janet, and Mike win hands down 😉


Working on a Sunday leads to.... errr.... still can't think of what it is we're trying to do!
Working on a Sunday leads to…. errr…. still can’t think of what it is we’re trying to do!


Hanging out with our TV family :)
Hanging out with our TV family 🙂


Indian travel blogger couple
Grabbing naps b/w shifts – oh well!!


road trip itinerary taiwan couple in taipei
Ending it all with a smile – the two of us on our last day in Taiwan 🙂


Watch out for a detailed itinerary of our trip in Taiwan 🙂 In the meantime, have a look at all our beautiful experiences from around the world

14 thoughts on “Behind the scenes: Bruised Passports X Discovery Channel

  1. oh wow guys !!! this is all so good !!! i guess the show has already started because i think i saw the 1st episode !!!! it does seems so interesting and enticing !!! I really really wish you guys get loads of opportunities like this and we get to see more of you !!! 🙂 😀 .. <3

      1. hey guys congrats!!…this must be an incredible and a lifelong experience for uh guys…i hope u continue lyk this:)
        and last for ol u hav really inspired me alot..because am a big travel junkie too..thankuh:)

  2. It is awsome to have an enjoyable life like this..truly a wonderful life.
    I wish i could enjy 10% of this.
    Gud luck go yu guys

    1. Thanks a ton for your best wishes Sukhjeet – you should definitely chase your happiness, whatever it may be 🙂

  3. Hi Both,
    It’s awesome to know you through your website. Must say lovely job. …what can be the best than following up your dreams and actually living for it.
    I also love travelling and have been to couple of countries in last 3 – 4 years. But that’s for official work only.
    Please keep this going ?
    Pooja Dubey

  4. You both are really Awesome!!!!
    Living Life to its fullest and travel is the best passion to explore wonders in the universe..
    you both have the best pictures of travel just #Marvel beautiful to watch and All the Best For Next Destinations!!!! Thank you For Bloging…

    1. Thank you so much for liking our post- we really love it when our readers tell us they enjoy reading what we write:) 🙂

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